General Questions. Harvest Imminent!


Well-Known Member
Alright so I have a plant that is done by the looks of it and im going to harvest in about 3 or 4 days. I'll have pictures for everybody soon I promise but in the mean time I have some pertinent questions I need answered.
1. There are like 5 or 6 maybe some more stinkbugs or bugs that look like those fuckin things, they fly but move slow on a surface, they are chillin on the plant just basking there. Gross things. Are they bad for the plant? and will this infestation be easy to get rid of aferwards? (fyi they just popped up like 4 or 5 days ago)
2. Are there any methods or objectives that will make my plant squeeze out more trichomes and become more potent in its last days? like not feeding it water?? I would appreciate some specific info if there is any lol (fyi I know the plant is ready to harvest, I am not a noob. Nuff said)

3. What are the standards for days taken to dry and cure bud properly? (I cut a top early on the 15th and i dryed it for a week, cured it for two days and just yesterday smoked like two bowls of it. It got me niiice and it seemed like another week or week and a half would make it almost perfect smoking state idk though this is my first successful harvest.)

All I am looking for here is some guidance maybe but definately questions that i need help with. I will reward you guys with the pictures of the harvest and what not. Also a link to the youtube video i post of the plant the day of chop. Soon i just gotta find the adapter.

Thanks SO MUCH everybody! :weed::leaf::clap: