Germicidal Light Bulbs


Active Member
Has anyone looked into using so called "germicidal light bulbs" I'm not sure of all the important light waves in CFL or HPS growing but to this layman it sounds as though there is some potential for getting a good grow at a fraction of the hourly rate. or you might just fry the shit out of your plants. I hope we can get an expert opinion here. Time for bed. Peace.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
stay away from those, they are used for germ killing, my sonicare toothbrush has a little box that you put the tip in and it blasts it with that light to kill germs, those are used in hospitals air filtration systems and things of that nature, think of it as the light in an ozone generator, those put out uv-b or uv-a which is good for killing stuff but not good for plants, one quick glance at an o3 bulb and you fry your retinas beyond repair...they are used in short blasts to steralize things, what it would do is pretty much burn your eyes out if you stare at it and fuck your day off bad