Germinate seeds¿

I've been germinating my seeds using a glass of water and putting them in there with a towel, and then I put it under my vent. Works okay, most sprout.. But I jus tried this new way of putting a few in a WARM oven(it was on at 170f for about 30mins, then I turned it off) and let them sit there for about 6hours. I was wondering if anyone has done something simslar and if it worked..? Also, if anyone knows a good way to germinate seeds(besides the paper towel or water glass method)?


Active Member
Why even try to germinate seeds out of the soil or medium? I've had a 100% success rate putting them directly into my soil or medium. By doing this you can avoid handling and possibly damaging the seed itself or the tap roots as the seed germinates. Just do it the natural way, right in the dirt


Well-Known Member
BKCSG's right. I don't get why so many people tell you to use the paper towel, dunk it in water etc etc. Honestly I think that method poses more problems for your plant in the long run. Yes, these methods allow you to discriminate between viable and non-viable seeds. BUT would you want possible damage and stress on your viable seeds when they sprout? I'd just bury them into watered soil from seed and have some clingfilm covering the pot to keep the moisture in. Just be patient. If nothing comes up in a week just toss it out and plant another. Seeds sprout out from soil usually in 3-5 days if they're viable
