Germinating an shell open but no tap root


Active Member
I germinated a few seeds in a moist paper towel. It has been 3 days and the seeds slightly opened and I see the white of the tap root but it is not coming out. The tap root also looks sticky and mushy. Am I doing something wrong? Are the seeds old? Should I try and plant them?



Well-Known Member
Stick them into your medium and just wait for them to pop up.If a whole week goes by and nothing happens then your seeds didnt make it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like your towels were to wet. If its mushy it probally isnt going to grow but it has only been a couple days.

Heres what works for me, I have a very good success rate.

First thing is I get a shotglass and fill it with water. Drop the seeds in that and let them set overnight. Next day check and see if they sink. If they are sinkers then I know water got inside and they are good to germ. If not I scuff up the outter shell and try again. If they sink they are good to go.

Next I take a paper towel and fold it four times. get it wet and set it on a plate. I tip the plate so excess water runs off. open the towel and drop the seeds in. close the towel cover it with a smaller plate thats upside down to make it dark and place it on a warm surface like the top of a refer or cable box. Just so its warm all the time. Chect the next day and if the towell has dried out some I add a small amount of water to make it moist. You want humidity not soaking wet. In a couple days you will see your tap root. As soon as you see it, it's good to plant. Point the tap root down in your medium about 1/4 inch deep. Keep your medium warm as well while they are seedlings.
