Germinating help needed

they were not that massive in the video but im sure if you stood there in person you could see some huge ones. not the biggest in the world but for those who don't usually get big surf yea it's nice to see. we usually get big surf around winter time thats when all the surf competitions start breaking out and beaches start to get packed on the north shore. if you don't know how to swim in the ocean imo don't go swimming lots of people think it's the same as swimming in a lake or swimming pool but the ocean currents are strong as shit and can easily kill you.

we actually had a few people die not too long ago here. not sure how but 1 was a 6 year old child i believe with some adult kayaking the other was a free diver. not sure how they died guess via drowning.

as for the kid yea idk he meets a shit load of actors/celebs he takes photo's with them and always posting them online. i think it's cause his dad/mom works in the field so he has got the ins but that kid was a total douche in highschool.

they were not that massive in the video but im sure if you stood there in person you could see some huge ones. not the biggest in the world but for those who don't usually get big surf yea it's nice to see. we usually get big surf around winter time thats when all the surf competitions start breaking out and beaches start to get packed on the north shore. if you don't know how to swim in the ocean imo don't go swimming lots of people think it's the same as swimming in a lake or swimming pool but the ocean currents are strong as shit and can easily kill you.

we actually had a few people die not too long ago here. not sure how but 1 was a 6 year old child i believe with some adult kayaking the other was a free diver. not sure how they died guess via drowning.

as for the kid yea idk he meets a shit load of actors/celebs he takes photo's with them and always posting them online. i think it's cause his dad/mom works in the field so he has got the ins but that kid was a total douche in highschool.
Oh my Lord, yes I've dealt with ocean currents lol. You just reminded me hahahaha, so when my family went on a cruise years ago, some of us decided to go kayaking at one of the islands and Jesus Christ. My tubby ass had to paddle so fucking hard to make it back to shore lmao. I was dead by the time I made it back haha. I didn't expect them to be that strong, and I thought lake Ontario was bad.

Wrote all that before reading the final two paragraphs.. that's pretty upsetting. But for the diver, I've heard stories of some people freaking out for whatever reason (can't remember the name for it.. it's got a special name for it though) and they start taking off their oxygen mask and stuff. There's a lot of things that can go wrong with that, not sure I'd ever do it unless I was with a professional lol. Some others have tried diving solo and using pure oxygen tanks and dying from oxygen poisoning. There's footage on YouTube of a diver that did that and he recorded himself dying.. pretty eerie to hear.
Oh my Lord, yes I've dealt with ocean currents lol. You just reminded me hahahaha, so when my family went on a cruise years ago, some of us decided to go kayaking at one of the islands and Jesus Christ. My tubby ass had to paddle so fucking hard to make it back to shore lmao. I was dead by the time I made it back haha. I didn't expect them to be that strong, and I thought lake Ontario was bad.

Wrote all that before reading the final two paragraphs.. that's pretty upsetting. But for the diver, I've heard stories of some people freaking out for whatever reason (can't remember the name for it.. it's got a special name for it though) and they start taking off their oxygen mask and stuff. There's a lot of things that can go wrong with that, not sure I'd ever do it unless I was with a professional lol. Some others have tried diving solo and using pure oxygen tanks and dying from oxygen poisoning. There's GoPro footage on YouTube of a diver that did that and he recorded himself dying.. pretty eerie to hear.

yea i;ve seen that something to do with the oxygen and red blood cells or something thats why you can't ascend so quickly because your body needs time to react to the pressure changes. heard a story if you go diving you can't go flying in the same day 2 people died from doing so but they were both pilots.

the diver was a free diver though. the difference is free divers typically do NOT wear any masks or use oxygen tanks. they take a huge ass breath, dive, get w.e. they need to get and go back up before they pass out and die. you need to actually build up your lungs for this though. it's actually a sport but it's a controlled sport in the sense that you have divers with oxygen tanks around you and you are descending some some rope with a buoy and then it shoots back up so pretty much your just not even doing a lot of work your just relaxing/focusing on breathing versus actually kick your legs and shit and focusing on breathing all at the same time. conserves oxygen that way as well.
Hi Guys,
Former diver here. Rapture of the deep is the romantic's nitrogen narcosis and occurs when divers go too deep and get an intoxication from N similar to nitrous oxide. Had a buddy get that while filming a shark. It kept going deeper and he followed it...but luckily came to his senses. and lived. I saw the footage.

And Leth, there's freediving and then there's those nuts that try and break depth records. Now that's a crazy sport. I guess it's still called freediving Current record is over 700'. But normal sport freedivers wear masks and fins and a really good one goes down maybe 60' to 80'.
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Hi Guys,
Former diver here. Rapture of the deep is the romantic's nitrogen narcosis and occurs when divers go too deep and get an intoxication from N similar to nitrous oxide. Had a buddy get that while filming a shark. It kept going deeper and he followed it...but luckily came to his senses. and lived. I saw the footage.

And Leth, there's free diving and then there's those nuts that try and break depth records. Now that's a crazy sport. But free divers wear masks and fins and a really good free diver goes down maybe 60' to 80'.

yea as long as your not relying on an oxygen tank you'd be considered a free diver regardless a mask or not. i probably shouldn't have said that part as it is misinformation. this is why in those records if at any point they rely on the oxygen tanks provided by the other divers around them they fail the record.
yea as long as your not relying on an oxygen tank you'd be considered a free diver regardless a mask or not. i probably shouldn't have said that part as it is misinformation. this is why in those records if at any point they rely on the oxygen tanks provided by the other divers around them they fail the record.

The Movie the Big Blue is about those record setting freedivers. They carry a heavy weight and hyperventilate with so much oxygen that they can hold their breath for over 20 minutes. Ridiculous sport. And no Leth I wasn't posting to correct you...just interested in this stuff.

The other thing divers get into trouble with is the Bends. Also N related. Under pressure...the body absorbs loads of N into tissue. Then as you has to be released. If you are too deep and surface too quickly...the N can form bubbles causing blockage to blood flow and all sortf of other shit. If you get them into a decompression chamber and pressurize them...the bubbles are reabsorbed and then they need to decrease pressure slowly to prevent more bubblees. Much of scuba training is about preventing those things.
The Movie the Big Blue is about those record setting freedivers. They carry a heavy weight and hyperventilate with so much oxygen that they can hold their breath for over 20 minutes. Ridiculous sport. And no Leth I wasn't posting to correct you...just interested in this stuff.

The other thing divers get into trouble with is the Bends. Also N related. Under pressure...the body absorbs loads of N into tissue. Then as you has to be released. If you are too deep and surface too quickly...the N can form bubbles causing blockage to blood flow and all sortf of other shit. If you get them into a decompression chamber and pressurize them...the bubbles are reabsorbed and then they need to decrease pressure slowly to prevent more bubblees. Much of scuba training is about preventing those things.

i was just correcting myself i tend to babble and write random shit then post without rereading it. i don't really know much about diving i don't dive i just watch a lot of diving related things here and there on youtube or tv and see a bunch of deaths related to this kind of stuff. it's interesting but my dad does all the water related sports i just body board and fish
i was just correcting myself i tend to babble and write random shit then post without rereading it. i don't really know much about diving i don't dive i just watch a lot of diving related things here and there on youtube or tv and see a bunch of deaths related to this kind of stuff. it's interesting but my dad does all the water related sports i just body board and fish

Well now you know about the Bends, Rapture of the Deep and Freediving. I lived in San Diego before it got too crowded...and that's where I learned to dive. Lots of kelp diving in the Pacific. Also loved to body surf but we never got the big waves like you guys do..
Cheers guys,
Make it easy and just plant them into some seed starter or Promix. Seriously. No need to Ben playing with paper towels and all that. Put em in a solo cup with soil that’s not been pressed hard. I give it about 4-5 tablespoons of water and that’s enough to keep it moist until it sprouts. Atleast keep the temps over 70 degrees. Make it easy on yourself
Make it easy on yourself

But you're forgetting the basic newbie mentality. They have to see and mess with everything. Sitting there for 4 or 5 days staring at the soil...waiting for the seed to sprout...wondering how long the taproot is...that would just drive them crazy (if they aren't already there) . lol
But you're forgetting the basic newbie mentality. They have to see and mess with everything. Sitting there for 4 or 5 days staring at the soil...waiting for the seed to sprout...wondering how long the taproot is...that would just drive them crazy (if they aren't already there) . lol
Imao. Yea see a lot of first timers getting in way over their heads. They’ll have a 20 plant hydroponic system and use some super confusing 12 part nutrient line. Lol. Seen a guy the other day who “supercropped” a week old seedling. Only one place to make the bend on that one. Lolol. Once saw a guy blend milk into his water to treat a calcium deficiency. My exes mother was the worst. Years ago The woman would try to put lemon slices on top of my soil..making wild claims of it making buds taste like lemon. Lol. Same woman claimed that her husband used to put cocaine in the water can and it made the buds speedy. I had to chase her off my plants on numerous occasions.