germinating seeds not doing anything


Well-Known Member
I purchased a few seeds online and they arrived quickly and everything was good but I cannot get the seeds to germinate they have been sitting wrapped in paper towels in my closet I have kept them dark and wet and it appears some have started to maybe split showing some white stuff down the side inside what looks to be a crack but its been like that for 2 days any ideas??:wall:

also its been about a week since they have been started


Well-Known Member
hey i just germinated some seeds, i put a bundle in a black video case, wrapped them in toilet roll and soaked them. i then put the case under a heater on low. the seeds started germinating really fast and basicaly every seed started. this is the best succes iv had germinating and the first time i have placed them under the heater. so try that out and see how they go. :leaf:


I had the same problem a while back i believe the temps were to low so a put the next ones in a warmer area the they sprouted nicely. Give that a try it worked for me.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, if they cracked, that's a good sign, but like it's being said, a warmer place, like on top of your fridge, or top of a computer monitor will be a huge accelerent in germination, But you say after 2 days, and that's ok as typically germination can happen in as little as 8 hours or 4 days. Warmth plays a key factor.
ey dog. if you got to a pet store you can pick up a cheap lil reptile heating pad. i did that and they ripped out of the shell in like 3 days. or put them on your cable box or tv monitor


i throw my seeds in a bottle with ph'd water and a small amount of cal-mag and put it in a cabinet so it can be dark and warm and usually 24 hours later most seeds have the white tail sticking out already...