Germination Problem


Well-Known Member
My last thread was deleted with the data lost so I am starting it back up. If everything goes correctly, I will be ordering today.

For those that have not seen my old thread...
I have been have no luck germinated bagseed for 2 weeks. The last thread was over 26 pages long, and we found no solution except to buy seeds online.
EDIT: I lost my post count too???


Well-Known Member
may be bad bagweed seeds. try some others for first grow. You will be learning in the first grow. gain knowledge from next real grow. use cheap/free seeds for first grow so you aren't stressed from over/under water,nut, close light etc.

John Jacob

Active Member
are you trying the wet papertowel, fold it a couple times, and put it in a zip lock bag and somewhere dark for a couple days.. otherwise yea your seeds are stale or not fully developed and even the ordered ones go stale after a while so dont be fooled like Relax said test out a method with some bagseed before hopping right in and spending more $$ on expensive seeds


Well-Known Member
dont forget to scratch off a thin layer of the seed all the way around. i do this to every seed before hand and ive had 100% germ. for the past 20+ ive started


Well-Known Member
Looks like I'm going to have to re-do some of the info from the old thread, I tried the paper towel method, did everything correctly.


Active Member
Yeah im going with a fruity strain. I want sometging sweet. Hopefully everything goes good for ya.


Active Member
Since you have tried everything have you tried the freezer some seeds need a good freeze to the shell couldnt hurt bag seeds best to learn then you dont screw up the good seeds you may just have some shitty seeds go buy a quarter of shwagg


Well-Known Member
Germinating can be hard actually for first time growers so dont worry!! However my reccomendation is to always plant in Jiffy pellets and let the seed germ itself!


Boil Water or use Reverse Osmosis Water. COol water overnight back to room temp.

Fill a CUP a half full.

Drop your seeds into it.

put in a dark cuboard next to a appliance that might give off heat once in a while. (if possible)

In 3 days If almost every seed doesnt have the fattest little white root poking out, they will NOT GERM try again.

Its that simple, however, by your posts I can only assume you are not able to order Seeds from overseas and are not in a state where you could find clones/strains??

Why are you using bagseed?? If you dont have a choice ok, bagseed can actually be good, just remeber to grow a bunch out a test, test, test before you make mother/vegged beauties for flowering or your gonna end up with all sorts of possible problems.,

And the only other tip 100% is to always COMBAT MOLD and BUGS systemically and Frequently for Sucess.


doby mick

Active Member
BBbubblegum where the hell are you? on the moon There is nowhere you cant get decent beans and when you get some beans and come too germating them try doing it in Womans breast pads that you can find in any supermarket or pharmacy I have just found that for some reason i get a better germination rate than when i use tissue. Be patient my freind and everything will come together, all the best in your quest to grow.


Well-Known Member
seeds take all different kinds of times to germinate.. ive herd of seeds germinating in an hour, ive herd 5 days even.. cant say id wait any longer then a week right or ur seed is probly just drowned out by then if it hasnt even hatched... i hav had problems like this before but i noticed someones post on here saying to scratch a layer off the service of the seed before trying to germinate that.. and to be honest ive read that in a lot of books and havent grown for a year and forgot so that is actually good advice.. u just take some really really light sand paper or even a dish sponge thing.. still hav to be delicate right and scratch the service of the seeds a bit.. this makes it easier for it to germ, doesnt have a big thick wall to bust thru like trying to blow a load with ur piss hole clogged lmao


Well-Known Member
when i germinated i scratched the services and used thick bounce paper towel with the little pockets in it, wet it to the point where it wasnt dripping but wet not misted or damp, wet, but not soked and put it in a sealed glass jar in a dark warm area for a couple days, has worked everytime for me... the very first time i grew with some bagseed kush i did this then planted it right into soil and just kept it moist and a 6500k CFL on it and that plant grew for quite awhile.. check out my first grow.. i went BIG, like HUUUGE my first time and learnt ALOT lol


Well-Known Member
and i used distilled water or tap water i left sit out with an air pump providing airation in it for 24 hours to get rid of the chlorine and salts etc. at one point when i was growing i actually used to buy distilled water LMFAO.. for the longest time i did this just cuz it made me feel better knowing it was already the right ph when id water.. when id feed id have to watch my ppm but im still learning too.. ive done 3 big grows so far over 2 years i think.. check the threads (dont have my most recent grow) ill shut up now haha


Well-Known Member
Im in a decriminalized state, seeds are hard to come by (Especially good ones). I am trying to order online, but they don't accept visa gift cards..