Germination problems. PLEASE HELP


Active Member
I put 10 gage green seeds in a glass of normal tap-water overnight and planted them in in rapid rooters 2 days ago.

I was wondering how long germination usually takes, or if ive already killed my seeds by placing them in normal tapwater overnight the pH was about 6.7 on the tap water, And i did have a humdity dome on but i heard this is actually a bad idea (my humidity was 90% with the dome ) so i took it off and my humidity is now 60% which is heard is better. also the temperature is around 20c or 68f.

And do people just turn on there lights anyways so that as soon as they do sprout they receive light or is this a bad idea?

Also how do you guys germinate? I thing next time i will just pop my seeds straight into rapid rooters and give the rapid rooter a light soak of 5.5 pH tap-water and just let it do its thing.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Germination stage 1-7 days, seedling stage 1-14 days vegation stage 1-2 months then comes pre-flower then flower stage THEN harvest!!!!!!!


Active Member
I put 10 gage green seeds in a glass of normal tap-water overnight and planted them in in rapid rooters 2 days ago.

I was wondering how long germination usually takes, or if ive already killed my seeds by placing them in normal tapwater overnight the pH was about 6.7 on the tap water, And i did have a humdity dome on but i heard this is actually a bad idea (my humidity was 90% with the dome ) so i took it off and my humidity is now 60% which is heard is better. also the temperature is around 20c or 68f.

And do people just turn on there lights anyways so that as soon as they do sprout they receive light or is this a bad idea?

Also how do you guys germinate? I thing next time i will just pop my seeds straight into rapid rooters and give the rapid rooter a light soak of 5.5 pH tap-water and just let it do its thing.
hey MyPhaneron.

seeds usually germinate within 2-4 days, but it could take longer, depending on the age/condition of the seed.
i usually plant my seeds directly in soil, without pre-soaking the seed in water, like you did, or using any seed specific mediums like jiffy palettes, or the paper towel method.
my suggestion, keep it simple. just plant them about 1cm deep in moist soil, and wait.
also, it would be a good idea to have a gentle light source on, like a CFL, so it will have sufficient light once it germinates, like you said.


Well-Known Member
Tap water. (City water) I think your pH meter is off. city water will always be 7.0 pH or more.
You don't need a Humidity dome if you sowed the seed.
Warmer temps will help your seed germinate faster.
Yes, put a light over the sowed seed. Your seed is phototrophic, it wants to go twords a light source.

IMO- use a rooting/cloning solution to increase germination rates. GH makes a good one i use all the time.

Good Luck on Your Grow.