germing in a cup of distilled water question


Well-Known Member
everyone that has germed in a cup of water, what do you do if the seed has sank to the bottom, but has not sprouted a taproot? do you leave the seed in the water until you see it sprout out a root?


Well-Known Member
This happened to me.
It didn't have a taproot coming out. So i burried it. 3 days l8r it had sprouted

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I take mine from the freezer to a glass of ph balanced water for about 24 hours then use the 'paper towel' method from there. I have had great results so far, but I'm pretty new too.


Well-Known Member
I do the same as, Rocky.. Im no "veteran" but it has never failed my yet.. If the seed sinks to the bottom it is actually a good sign, from what I know..
If they stay a float, usually means it may not be fully developed seed, and might not be fertile.


Well-Known Member
your only spose to let the seed's sit in for 24 hour's if you do not see the sprout coming out put in between two damp paper towel's in like concaved plates and put in dark warm place and I promise you with in 12 hours they will be out and you want them to be around 0.05mm long thats perfect length to plant good luck!