

Well-Known Member
hey i put a couple seeds like 9 or so in a paper towl and im waiting for them to grow a root its been 3 or 4 day and nothing so i put 3 more in a diff towl and they grew roots so why would the others not root?? :confused:


Well-Known Member
r they in a dark place...if u got more try puttin them in a cup of water...should take about 4 to 5 days


Well-Known Member
This is how i start my babys. I put another paper plate on top the seeds to keep them dark. After a day or two the sprouts are about 1/4 inch long and plantable.

If both you batches of seeds are the same them perhaps something happened they didn't like. Like they were to cold to germ, too much daylight, paper towel dried up/bacteria grew. Practice make perfect.



Well-Known Member
hey ok so do i have to keep a light on while my seeds are in there pots and havent sprouted?? or put it on when they come up??


Well-Known Member
drop them in a cup of water in dark drawer 4-5 days youll see your babies just becareful when taking out some will sink some will be floating... 95% of the time it works never had a prob


Active Member
At first give them 18 hours of light once they get to about 2" switch to 24 hrs of light for rapid growth...

This is exactly what I have been doing & it has worked wonders so far...