get that coon outta here, ......


Active Member
This is hilarious!
Coons are a problem.
You never know though.
My mom did something like this for an art project a few years back and one night she just got a shit load of pictures of the coons having sex.
Thats what your inviting to happen now too.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Haha if fdd posts up some racoon porn...damn. I might laugh hard enough to actually die. Plus id be uber impressed. Like usual.


Well-Known Member
This is hilarious!
Coons are a problem.
You never know though.
My mom did something like this for an art project a few years back and one night she just got a shit load of pictures of the coons having sex.
Thats what your inviting to happen now too.

hahhahahahaha :clap:


Active Member
we used to have a pet racoon they are very smart creatures. everyone says watch your food but relly start watching anything shiny in your home they love it.


Well-Known Member
FDD, I would keep the possum. They do tend to get a little stinky, nothing a bath can't handle...but my buddy from back home had one for about 3 years and it never did anything but eat, sleep, and chill. :-)

The coon on the other hand, I would try and trap him...or her then release him/her back into the wild.


Active Member
you could always lace the food you leave out for the racoon with marijuana.

I went to egypt last year and we took a tour of a peasant farm and one of the peasants spoke some english and told us a story. He said that his granddad used to grow a lot of marijuana and they had a constant problem with rats coming into the kitchen at night and as his granddad was a peaceful man did not want to hurt the rats. He used to leave a treat out for the rats and it was cooked with ganja. He said he used to walk into the kitchen next day and the rats were unable to move laying with their hands and feet in the air around the dish of food. He used to scoop them up together and move them further away from the farm.

Definitely a peaceful peasant and those rats must have been high as fuck :D


Well-Known Member
hide in you kitchen at night with some night vision and shoot that fucker with a blowgun I bet he never comes back


Active Member
I'm being defensive as well. If there is something lurking around my house that could potentially be a serious threat to my health or my pet's health then I will take all measures to ensure that the threat is removed and safety around my dwelling is restored. That's just me though.
Gotta agree with this guy. It's directly affecting the health and welfare of my animals so it needs to go. Either trap or shoot it imo


Well-Known Member
Gotta agree with this guy. It's directly affecting the health and welfare of my animals so it needs to go. Either trap or shoot it imo

explain to me how EXACTLY it is directly affecting the health and welfare of my animals, please.

i have done more research on this then you have so i will let you know where you are mistaken, if you'll simply explain your viewpoint.



Well-Known Member
Isn't it like common sense, not to feed strays, due to a shit ton more that will show up? Or are you the next fuckin' Sarah Mclaughlin? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Isn't it like common sense, not to feed strays, due to a shit ton more that will show up?

no, not that i know of.

whenever i worked at warehouses, or big factories, or anywhere with out buildings, there was always someone who would leave food out for the stray kitties. the food is left out because the kitties are already there. if feeding them brings in more it is simply because they are hungry. common sense says "help those in need". doesn't it? or would that be "human kindness" that i'm thinking of? ;)


Active Member
explain to me how EXACTLY it is directly affecting the health and welfare of my animals, please.

i have done more research on this then you have so i will let you know where you are mistaken, if you'll simply explain your viewpoint.

For now it appears they are ignoring each other. However, we have had a couple cats in our area killed by raccoon. I suppose it could have been rabid, but why take the risk? Both of my friends saw the raccoon for several days before they killed the cats in our neighborhood. How many other animals did it kill? Those are only the 2 I know about.