Gettin the munchies!


Active Member
Ok so lets hear whats the strangest thing everyone has ate while you had the munchies.

I got so blazed with some friends not to long ago and i decided to eat some deer meat with peanut butter. it sounds gross but it was oh so good!


Active Member
I don't really go for anything out of the ordinary when I am high. I just go after cereal pretty hardcore. I will mix all sorts of flavors and what not. Good stuff! Such a stoner food, haha.. :joint:

Deer meat and peanut butter.. yuckk! :spew: hahh

Chase the Bass

Active Member
Hot dog with bacon, grape jam, ketchup, and shredded cheese. I don't recommend it.

One of the best things I ever ate when high...Fried mozzarella sticks and strawberry jam. Seriously...try it.