Getting 12 more plants,should i feed the same?


Active Member
i am currently growing six sour diesel,and six true gonna be doing 24 plants in about a month.probaly all sour my res i mix my nutes according to the instructions with 20 gallons of water,then add more to get my ec reading right.i will be useing the same 55 gallon drum i am now useing for my 12 plants,for all question is, as long as my res has enough water will i be all right running my res the same with the 24 as i do with the 12.i would think so but i just wanted to make sure.
Depends what hydroponic system you are using? If it's a recirculating system then you will probably run into a lot of pH flucuation problems as your water lowers, so keep your eye out for that one. If it's a run to waste system then the only problem you should have is having to phisyically be there to keep your reservoir topped up all the time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, no problem. I run 18 plants on a 55gallon drum...
I use GH Flora Series and my pH is stable as fuck -- even when half of the water disappears (when i am lazy for about 4 days).

GH Flora Series has lots of buffers to keep pH stable..