Getting a reccomendation?


Hey, I was told it would be best to get a recommendation from a general practitioner before going in for my card. Im pretty sure i have insomnia and ive used otc meds for years and they seem to hav almost no effect nowadays. whenever i smoke, i can sleep like a baby, and wake up feeling extremely refreshed and energetic. I dont have insurance, so would it be worth it to go see a doctor first, or just try and get my card with my claim. I have no medical records of my insomnia. And if i did see a GP first, do i need a recommendation from them or do i just need them to approve my condition. one last note, if i was to just have him/her diagnose me with insomnia, would they simply give me a record showing their approval of the diagnosis, or would i need to specifically ask for one? sorry for the mix and match questions just have a lot on my mind and was hoping to get help sooner than later. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I've worked in a MMJ Doctor's office. Yes, they would like to see a diagnosis from another doctor, so they can discuss your condition with you. You can even go to a free clinic to get a diagnosis, talk to a doctor about your insomnia, and he will probably prescribe some drug that you don't have to take. You don't need to tell them anything about your marijuana use. When you are leaving the clinic, just request a copy of your medical records. Once they get your permission, they will make you a copy, and you can take that to a MMJ Clinic.



Awesome man much appreciated, ill try it out. just curious, what state was the office that you worked for in? also, do you think i would have a good chance of getting my card for insomnia?


Well-Known Member
probly depends what state your from .. a key piece of info you failed to disclose....
If your in californai..... just explain to them your sickness... they have a check list..
Pretty much a garuntee ... i havnt heard of anybody around me getting turned down...


i wish i lived in cali. right now im stayin in d.c but was hopin to move out to deleware cause i got some family out there. MMJ is pretty recent here so im not sure how strict their policies are.


I recently moved to Oregon from california, and I found it best to look it up in your state...there is a lot of information on ....and for Delaware:
"Medical conditions that may qualify for cannabis under this act include: cancer, HIV/AIDS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as cachexia, chronic pain (if the condition has not responded to previously prescribed medications), severe nausea, seizures or severe and persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to those characteristic of multiple sclerosis." can also try and research what doctors offices are compassionate, so it will give you a little more confidence bringing the subject up to them.

but, I am sorta in the same boat as you....taking that first step....hope everything works well for ya! :bigjoint:


cool man thanks for that little bit of info ya ill hav to just play it by ear. let me know what works for you, if anything