Getting Ready To Start 2nd Grow - Tangerine Dream


Active Member
hey people im getting ready to start my second grow and will be posting pic's/info throughout. Firstly i checked a few seed banks around the UK and decided to try ( ). Excellent reliable service seeds arrived the next day via Royal Mail special Delivery, cost £6.50. They also deliver to most countries worldwide accept USA providing the state laws haven't changed.

On to the system

Plants - 3

Lights - 250w MH and 250w HPS (sunmarster)

Grow medium - Durstons grow bag ( normal soil with extra additives i.e wood chip egg shell ).

Room tempreture - 25 degrees or above but never over 30.

Nutes - canna range - terra vega/terra flours, will use terra accelerator boost later in.

Light schedule - will be 18/6 and then 13/11

Start date of seed germination - 7/9/11

Germination type - started 2 the easy way, paper towel and water/warm dark place. Started another by dropping it into a smallish glass filled with tap water and within 4hours it had sunk to the bottom indicating the seed has sofend/cracked and absorbed water.

Will update on progress in the morning. Hopefully i will have tap roots by then.

also if you have any good advice for me i am open all ears, i class myself as a noob but honestly my 1st grow was excellent considering others. thanks ppl. Peace



Active Member
The seed i put into water earlia today, has cracked and produced a taproot 3mil long and was done so in less than 10hours from seed packet to the soil.. Recommend this to everyone. Seed should sink to the bottom in around 4-8 hours if it doesn't it probably wont germinate. Once sunk take out and put into tissue/paper towel and preferably in your bath room. Just fill the bath half way or the sink and place seeds as high as u can. within a few hours they should crack wide open.



Active Member
A picture i took this morning not very clear but u can see whats what. Taproot is now in medium and in a light filled room not direct.



Active Member
1 more thing, the seeds i started in paper towels still haven't germed. 50hours they been going now. Water method. . . . . less than 12hours


Well-Known Member
can u put them on a saucer and then onto a heating pad? seeds need warmth and moisture to germ. that's about it.

edit: hope it works out for ya. i'm wanting tangerine dream as it's a top favorite


Active Member
I supose there are many ways to germ a seed but from my exp the water method is 1 of the best. The reason i said about putting them in a bathroom is because its a place that has alot of moisture the majority of the time and most have a radiator in. Well mine has.


Active Member
Morning, not sure if anybody is even following this but il crack on.

Woke up this morning and now have the first set of leaves coming through completely. Will post a pic soon.


Active Member
im a big fan of the canna nutes range and use them all the time one more thing you could add is when your on week 5 of the flowering stage get some canna pk 13/14 and add that for 1 week to 10 days the plants love it gives them a pottasium and phosphourus kick its £15 per litre and you only need a tiny bit so it will last you for a fair few grows


Active Member
im a big fan of the canna nutes range and use them all the time one more thing you could add is when your on week 5 of the flowering stage get some canna pk 13/14 and add that for 1 week to 10 days the plants love it gives them a pottasium and phosphourus kick its £15 per litre and you only need a tiny bit so it will last you for a fair few grows
I was thinking of grabing a few bits from canna but after reading info on selected nutes at they say using the accelerator boost is better all round, especially when compared with pk 13/14. il consider this and probably still get pk 13/14 jus to experiment with.

thanks for the advice. PeAcE


Active Member
I think i may of man handled my little lady abit to much. the only 2 leaves she did have has pretty much gone to shit. There are 2 extremely small secondary leaves, jus hoping it will pull through. Will post a picture in the morning, its under the 250w /mh at the moment and has been since 9am this morning. My other 1 is going ok i spose, 1 out of the 2 leaves is almost falling of and shrinking but the secondary leaves are looking good, forming the rigid shape of the leaf.

What do you guys reckon ?? if both the starter leaves fall off will it or can it still grow ????

Is the light to intense or producing to much heat ?? i checked the temp earlia and it was 31c with a fan on. . . ???


Active Member
Looked at them this morning 1 still looks like shit but look as if its recovering and the other looks great. Still missing 1 of the starter leafs but the secondary ones are really coming into play now. will Post a pic to keep u mans updated on the wonderful TANGERINE DREAM ! ! !


Active Member
Looked at them this morning 1 still looks like shit but look as if its recovering and the other looks great. Still missing 1 of the starter leafs but the secondary ones are really coming into play now. will Post a pic to keep u mans updated on the wonderful TANGERINE DREAM ! ! !
New pictures cameras abit dodge.



Active Member
they are both looking alot better, the worsa one has a very small secondary leaf but its bright green and looks aso it will carry on growing. will post more pics when thers something good to look at


Active Member
i use the boost accelerator as well as the pk 13/14 plus the terra flores as well i try to give my ladies as much as possible to maximize my yeild just be aware that the boost is about 70 quid a litre but good stuff
also looking at your pics you wanna get some perlite mixed in with your soil about 20% ratio to the soil that will help with the root development


Well-Known Member
Okay, first I want to apologize ahead of time, because I am going to be very blunt with you.

Tangerine Dream is up there with the legends as far as bud is concerned. The soil you have those plants in is a problem to me for two reasons:
-it looks very wet. TOO wet.
-it looks to be of poor quality.
ALSO, the fact that you have them both in the same pot is a bad idea. Here's why:
-Tangerine dream is a G13xNA5H recrossed with G13. In Layman's terms, the root systems of these plants are going to proliferate like crazy. They are going to take over each other if left unchecked.

What to do:
Get them in separate pots and buy better soil. Fox Farm makes my personal favorite; it makes my girls very, VERY happy.

Make sure you are not over-watering them. This can result in drowning their still-developing root systems.

In conclusion: Tangerine dream comes from two very needy parent strains. As of the last Cannabis Cup, it is the best, and therefor it demands the best. Cater to your TG's needs and you will have the best stash in town. Treat it as anything other, and, well I think you get the picture.


RIU Bulldog
Okay, first I want to apologize ahead of time, because I am going to be very blunt with you.

Tangerine Dream is up there with the legends as far as bud is concerned. The soil you have those plants in is a problem to me for two reasons:
-it looks very wet. TOO wet.
-it looks to be of poor quality.
ALSO, the fact that you have them both in the same pot is a bad idea. Here's why:
-Tangerine dream is a G13xNA5H recrossed with G13. In Layman's terms, the root systems of these plants are going to proliferate like crazy. They are going to take over each other if left unchecked.

What to do:
Get them in separate pots and buy better soil. Fox Farm makes my personal favorite; it makes my girls very, VERY happy.

Make sure you are not over-watering them. This can result in drowning their still-developing root systems.

In conclusion: Tangerine dream comes from two very needy parent strains. As of the last Cannabis Cup, it is the best, and therefor it demands the best. Cater to your TG's needs and you will have the best stash in town. Treat it as anything other, and, well I think you get the picture.
Don't confuse Neville's Haze with Neville's A5 haze male. The haze A and HAze C males were the only plants Neville got out a bunch of old Haze brother's seeds stock. He got some females to but said they were nothing special. Haze A and Haze C were used to create Neville's Haze, but only the Haze A male was used in Tangerine Dream.