Getting Restarted (The Cowboy's Journal)


Well it has been a long time since I grew smoke. Last time I did was when I lived in San Francisco in my back yard. Grew some damn good stuff back then, 1982-83. And like a fool I stopped and started buying.:sleep::sleep:
At the end of last June a friend turned me on to Three clone's that I grew in 35 gallon container's. I am now cloning those three in to nine. I also ordered from Nirvana two indoor feminized seed packs. (Auroura Indica & AK-488))

So, what are my plans?
I will not grow in dirt any more. I am waiting for my new SH Hydro unit to arrive.

I got the whole works, all add on and the 400 watt switchable system lighting.

I am going to use four of my clone in it and two of the seeds, one of each. The seeds are more of a lets see what happens. If they look good I will clone them and pass some on to some friends as I will with my left over clones that I have now.

I will post photo's as I get it set up and running and of the girls as they grow.