Getting Restarted


Well I have not grown since the early days of the 80's. I grew in the mission district of San Francisco in the back yard of where I lived. The funny thing about growing in the open in S.F. was the cops didn't care, they once came tearing throw after some one and one cop stopped and said nice stuff. Never heard another word.

Well times have changed and I am going to start an aeroponics garden in my basement.
I have 9 starts I'm hoping will clone, they all look alive after two weeks but I am not sure I am seeing any roots start.
But no worry I have also ordered some AK-48 and Auroura Indica from Nirvana.
I need to say Thank You to Rollitup for Letting me know that they are a real company and not some ripe off artists.
I'm not so sure about the aero grow people, I put an order in three weeks ago for the AeroGarden Deluxe and I have not heard one
word from them. That I am going to cancel first thing in the morning.
Again, A Big Thank You To Rollitup, I have learned a lot here about building my own that will be cheaper and better built.

Enough said for now, I am running on. and need a smoke. :bigjoint: