Getting Some Molly's... Wondering How To Take Them


Active Member
I almost ended up rolling tonight, just to see what 200 mg at once would feel like ( I think i took 150 last time, and re dosed with maybe 30).

I ended up taking xanax instead lol


Active Member
I almost ended up rolling tonight, just to see what 200 mg at once would feel like ( I think i took 150 last time, and re dosed with maybe 30).

I ended up taking xanax instead lol
BOO!.... thats a lame substitute... My girlfriend got perscribed .25 mg xanax for a long while... I took 4 of em, i know its only half a bar and people who pop these things for fun take far more than that but I saw trails then fell asleep. Kinda lame in my opinion....

I like the Hallucinatory substances board... People actually respond, and it seems to be the same people that are always on it, i like the sense of community, thanks everyone for your imput, i just picked up the pills today, decided to probably parachute one or 2 and just take the third during the peak. Maybe parachute one take one and then take the third on the peak.

Also i will be sure to post a trip report on this if anyones interested... Who am i kidding of course your interested... Ill be popping em on saturday, a week from tomorrow
No one has said it yet, so I am going to advocate plugging. For me it kicks in fast, I almost never get as much nausea as just eating the pills, and it seems to hit harder. Don't be squeamish, it only takes a sec and its a hell of alot more pleasant than snorting that nasty tasting stuff. I also definitely like to redose half way through, just as you are hitting the peak is a good time, like 2 hours in or so. Personally with most decent molly I've found 70-100mg isnt quite enough for me, 125mg is about perfect for a single dose, or 100 and then 50-75 more mg for the booster dose. I agree that anything over 200mg of decent quality material just increases side effects and takes you one step closer to "losing the magic."


Well-Known Member
No one has said it yet, so I am going to advocate plugging. For me it kicks in fast, I almost never get as much nausea as just eating the pills, and it seems to hit harder. Don't be squeamish, it only takes a sec and its a hell of alot more pleasant than snorting that nasty tasting stuff. I also definitely like to redose half way through, just as you are hitting the peak is a good time, like 2 hours in or so. Personally with most decent molly I've found 70-100mg isnt quite enough for me, 125mg is about perfect for a single dose, or 100 and then 50-75 more mg for the booster dose. I agree that anything over 200mg of decent quality material just increases side effects and takes you one step closer to "losing the magic."
im not as "hardcore" as you. ;)


Active Member
I want that xanax!

My friends are on 2cb. i kid of regret not taking molly, so once again, ill take some xanax!


Active Member
No one has said it yet, so I am going to advocate plugging. For me it kicks in fast, I almost never get as much nausea as just eating the pills, and it seems to hit harder. Don't be squeamish, it only takes a sec and its a hell of alot more pleasant than snorting that nasty tasting stuff. I also definitely like to redose half way through, just as you are hitting the peak is a good time, like 2 hours in or so. Personally with most decent molly I've found 70-100mg isnt quite enough for me, 125mg is about perfect for a single dose, or 100 and then 50-75 more mg for the booster dose. I agree that anything over 200mg of decent quality material just increases side effects and takes you one step closer to "losing the magic."
Hahaha NO WAY man.... Thanks for the suggestion though...


Active Member
Hey guys I just thought I'd dig this up since tonights the night. Chillin right now smoking a bowl waiting for my lady to get off work. I will most defiantly post a trip report. My final decision is to decide once I come up what to do with my second 2 pills. I can't decide whether to parachute the first or not bit I will take the second once I'm up and take it normally. I might snort a half a pill depending on how I feel while I'm rolling. I might just snort a half towards the end of it. Should I parachute. Yes or no? Gotta know within the hour