GG#4, Pineapple Chunk, and AK47 - Grow Journal

Hi All,

Wanted to start a journal to document this next grow. I have grown many times, with a few very successful grows under my belt (been growing since a teen but only the last 6-7 years got serious)
Past grows have been in tents closets or smaller spaces, this time I dedicated a room for flower using the closet with a Veg shelf/tent (Keep clones ready to put in when the flower room finishes)
Hoping to perpetual flower after the first go from seed.
I have grown all BUT the AK47 before.
The GG#4 turned out my best ever crop last round in a 2x4 foot space under 6 feet ceiling room (got 3/4 of a pound off 2 plants and one had calc/mag def got chopped 5 weeks early so most was from one Plant LOL)) using the AN line and boosters, the pineapple chunk was good last time lots of flavor but didn't finish and was small popcorn, tasted real nice tho.
The GG#4 is one of my favs the plant that made it to the finish line was pure premium smoke, didn't last long I was like a chimney for a month just could not stop smoking it LOL.

This time have a Full Spare bedroom, 14000 BTU AC, 2 COB LED and one mars Hydro LED light, a few fans and some home made CO2 generators.
Temp is stable at 78-80 during light
Night drops to 69-70
Using AN line again, in Coco (same as last grow) Not sure what it is,Coco seems to be the easiest medium to me other then going full hydro, to many issues with hydro (pumps air and water, emitters, PH swings etc.)

Seeds hit Water Jan 19th, pictures attached with progress to date, including the tent/shelf I made for veg'n.
2x GG#4
1x AK47
1x Pineapple Chunk


Well some updated pictures.
Looks like the AK47 didnt like even 1/4 strengths for seedling nutrients (AN recommends 2ml per L i use under 1ml) all the others no real issue.
Flushed the AK47 with just water PH'ed

Need to expand more coco and get the 10 gallon soft pots ready for transplanting, roots are now coming out the smaller containers drains

I do welcome comments and input, should have mentioned that in my initial post.


Got everyone in the forever smart cloth buckets today, man 180L of coco is a pain to expand not to mention messy lol
The biggest GG#4 had a few roots rip so a little shocked but considering thats the one ahead all good.

Growing some Micro Greens in the veg shelf lol might as well feed my self too! started a few tomoato's they will end up out side.

So Update: Plants are all doing well, GG#4 are the big girls lol
Ak47 is short but bushy and the pineapple chunk is recovering from my dual issue of wrong PH and lack of adding Calmag at first, all get the same feed so just the pineapple took it bad, and has recovered now, just the smallest of the 4.
Got a new PH pen so should not run into this again just have to double check readings every so often with other methods to be sure its calibrated right, my bad lesson learned!

At 32 days since the seeds hit water, so doing quite well I think.



Well-Known Member
Awesome brother.. I have some Respect 4 Gorrilla, Experts Seeds version of GG#4, about the same age from seed right now. Mine have been under 11on/13off lights from day one from seed.

Your set up looks tight and all the different plants look like they are thriving. Good luck and stay lifted!
Thanks Toad37! Why are you running such an odd light schedule? I am running 18/6 for veg and will flip to 12/12 for flower, the last 2 weeks I drop to 10/14 sometimes depending how things look, and I typically always give 24 hours or more dark before I harvest.
I find the 10/14 helps push trics to cloud and amber for a finish as well as the 24 hour dark before I cut seems to add to the smell
Are you maybe running autoflower?
Well 38 days now since seeds hit water, I did have a PH issue but thats been fixed for over a week and everything looks ok except for the one GG4 plant 2, its got this weird modeling to the leaf, im hoping it out grows it.
Trimmed up the big fan leaves to let more light in to the branches, the Pineapple chunk looks a little odd LOL

I am now using Canna nutrients, they tell me I should not need calmag if using canna coco and canna coco nutrients, and I am now.
So far everything looks good, doing a light feeding according to the feed schedule so we will see over the next few weeks how well everything responds (only 2 feedings so far)
The AK47 is short like a dwarf, but real bushy, is that normal? Never have grown AK 47 my self before, looks like a mini Christmas tree lol
I know my GG4 is good, got the tell tale signs, leaf twist etc. and I have grown it before so I know its a keeper, trying to find a second strain I really like to go with it, and not sure AK or Pineapple is right due to how they are growing and how different they are for needs (space, PPM etc)
My Pineapple chunk is dutch passion so should be good, just know it takes longer to finish then anything else typically, but might be worth it....

I really seem to enjoy good old school dank skunk weed. I once had this strain they called Bonsai about 20 years ago, I still remember it to this day as I have never had anything like it since, nor have I ever seen strain called this from banks. Not sure why it was called bonsai, it was a big plant when I seen the grow and did not resemble a bonsai in anyway... anywho stoned, off topic talking about that weed , one time, in band camp... lol


Well the GG4 is getting tall lowered the table on them 6 inches, and figured its time to take clones, took the bottom 4 branches of each plant and labeled them good so I only keep the best for the next round and can see whats turns out the best at the end.
got some micro greens and lettuces going in the veg shelf had to make room for the clones lol, the tomatoes I started for the garden are int he middle of the moms for now.
I do have some leaf curl still like nute burn, but its slowly going away, my tap water PPM is 260 im doing low does Canna coco nutes and just a bit lower then it says with Rhino and Cannazym, 600ppm in the end once I PH to 5.8-6.0. I Also stopped wiht Calmag since Canna Coco A+B is supposed to have it already.
Im thinking it has to be just lingering affects from the PH issue I had at the start, maybe the old AN nutes too were to much.
Just going to keep going as is for now only increase if I see no more curling for a while.
Any input is appreciated

Figure 1-2 more weeks max and I will flip to 12/12


Well found some neat ties got my stakes for support in and did some more lower trimming. these clips grab the string and leave a big hoop i think they are going to work great 200 for 10 bucks on amazon lol

Flipped to flower today March 14th!

Doing a full light does of canna daily now, about 1 gallon each pot, the run off, about 1 gallon, 1.5 is very high PH and PPM on the pineapple chunk that is still showing some deficiency and burn... (500pm, 5.85 PH in, 1200ppm, 6.5 ph out) just a very picky strain but I think the daily flushing is helping, i was not watering consistently before as it was still wet and heavy but I notice now that I water every day it does get lighter and the plants are reacting better. The GG4 PH and PPM runoff is very close to what goes in, and both are looking good, growing very well, they are going to be monsters because i Waited to long to flower LOL

I think next round when I reuse this coco I will add some perlite for extra drainage and water every day like I am.


Just for the heck of it I checked the actual watts on my lights, never checked this interesting!

2x COB LED (no name brand) full spectrum 330 w each

1x Mars Hydro LED 120w

780 watts of LED! I'm close to replacing a 1000w in real watts so I'm very interested in how many grams/W I end up with. Problem is my start was not the best (the PH issues) and will affect the end result I am sure.
so full 2 weeks since the flip time for an update.
Pictures I had just defoliated tables on lowest setting now, flip them sideways and put in a window AC unit the portable was just not very consistent or reliable, added a air deflector so its not blowing on the plants :)
some small flowers forming now, running light canna feeding at normal strength adding rihzon and Cannazyme added some bud candy, big bud and bud x factor from AN (left over and figure this replaces canna boost maybe?)
PPM after balancing at 5.8 is 856 (not bad tap is 200 to start)
Been feeding every other day, about a gallon run off each time and the PPM in the run off is dropping now.
The AK 47 is still short but stretching a bit still no real flower formation on it yet.
The Pineapple chunk is still showing some minor issues and I am just riding it out at this point dont think ill ever run it again.


so was a few weeks with no updates, these are a little late from April 9th
some of the issues at the start still showing but minor, the AK is still short but stretching out a bit.
The GG4 are the big bushes lol
The Pineapple looks terrible regret trying it


April 21st, todays pictures, things are looking good stretch appears done so time for PK 13/14 I think at the end of this week.
Still using Light feed Cana A and B, canazym, ryzho per schedule, ph 5.8 to 5.9, room temps still steady at 75-78, humidity went crazy for a bit 70%RH.... got that under control now, around %50 rh had to run more fans at night and add a dehumidifier, I also want to change to a window AC unit soon this will help., I tried one and broke it, to cold out still froze it solid lol

Got the clones all repotted from the solo cups to 2 L containers the all look great had nice white roots winding the cup.


well time for an update, things motoring along, seen quite the explosion over the last few weeks.
Pineapple is way behind as predicted, and going with all GG4 next round, 4 of the clones are for this, speaking of the clones they are taking off too.
I want to replant to 5 gal soft pots and move to flower to start, while the big girls finish.
I figure I have 3 to 4 weeks left so 1 to 2 weeks I want the clones in the flower room.


getting closer, added my next 4 GG4 clones to the flower room (May 9th) and repotted them. All GG4 this time.
2 to 3 weeks max left, trics are cloudy with a few clear almost no amber, as predicted the AK47 and the pineapple are behind and showing the issues form the start, had a little burn when I added the PK as it was early for them but not for the GG4.... this is why I grow all the same strain moving forward.
I have cut back on the nutes as well no PK and a light feeding of canna a&b
I added a vent to get RH down now under %40 I also change the AC to a window unit (using 300 w instead of 800+ with the portable)
Built a real flood table and a 4x4 flood tray to fit, just using the table for transitions when I bring new plants in.



Well-Known Member
Hi there. Great job. These girls look very tasty. I`m planning on running GG4 soon so i`m definitely gonna stick around and watch this grow.
Pics look really nice when i enlarge them. Makes me feel like I can almost smell and taste them.
Cheers for sharing.
sorry for no updates, been some crazy times, I ended up cropping not long after my last update, maybe two weeks as I noticed a hermie popping out.
No seeds as it just barely showed, I did good!
5 ounces per GG4 10 total
3 ounces Pineapple Chunk
1 Ounce AK-47

The AK had the most unique smell but was not really any good, airy fluffy small buds, was a small plant and didnt get the light it needed so I rosin Pressed the ounce and got 1.25 grams LOL, very nice clean stuff tho.

The GG4 is fantastic as always, over dried it a bit but still great, the pineapple chunk is ok, got a bit of a strange taste to it.

This round I have all gg4, but clones and I did not let them veg in the main room so they really are not getting big, bigger buds but much less over all, and just notice today possible hermie again! FFS!!!
This means its not a fluke its the gg4 genetics I have, and this is happening 2, 3 weeks or more till its really done.

At least thats what I think this is.

Any advice anyone? pretty sure I should just chop this one clone doing this.

