ghetto but seems ok


Plant is 13 days flowering.
ff nutes, watering everyday
mg organic soil
2-65w fluorex bw security lights(6500k)
2-65w cfl(2700k)
1-15w growl led
2-2ltr co2
1-9" fan, my exhaust is one back corner of the sheet is loose for heat and air to escape.
Any comments are sweet.


You can get a 6.5 reflector with a clamp on it from home depot for 7 bucks. I would grab two of them and hang them to point up from the bottom that will get your plants the light they need from the bottom up. Other then that you get rep nice little closet grow. If i could give you one reccomenddation try to water a little less every other day with nutes once then water once the other and rotate that schedule. Everyday is asking for a bit of trouble somewhere down the line.

Edit put 2700k in the reflectors


I think you are prob. rite. They just seem droppy every morn, so i have been watering, but i have noticed run off very quickly
Wait two days after your last water and then lift the pot and try to remember the weight and thats your basis for that month ( they get heavier when they mature) when they get around the same water i usually go around two cups - three cups right around the base of the plant twice a week. (once with nutes once without). And the second and fourth week i give them mollasses in the water 1 table spoon in a gallon of water.