Gift Card ordering in 2013


Well-Known Member
So I have been totally dissuaded from ordering from Attitude because of all of the recent posts about peoples cards being declined by their credit card companies. I was going to go get a gift card but it seems pointless now if I'm going to have to call the bank or deal with all of that crap, not to mention giving any real information to the CC companies. Has something changed recently where gift cards are suddenly a problem?

Has anyone ever ordered with an international money order? I know it's risky, because they could supposedly just take your money and not send you anything. But on the other hand you don't have to deal with the banks and get to keep your anonymity.


Active Member
I have went to the store and bought gift cards because of the horror stories. Sage Pay has probably been hacked a few times. Gift cards work fine but they must say INTERNATIONAL. If it says domestic use only it will not work. I messed up once and bought a domestic gift card and I just used it at Amazon.


Well-Known Member
The only way I can order from Attitude is by getting a Walmart preloaded debit card it has a VISA logo on it and is located where all the gift cards are in your local walmart.....It's a blue card that says MoneyCard on the front
never have been able to order through my bank....I'm pretty sure most banks do not let you order out of country. It only costs 3 dollars for a preloaded debit card. Fuck waiting on a money order...


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I'll have to cruise by Walmart and check it out. Do they require you to register the card with personal info? Or does it just work right away?

I've been seeing so many posts lately about cards being declined I wonder if there's something new going on?


Active Member
If you need to use your debit card at a seedbank, it will work. You must first call your bank and tell them you are planning to make an international purchase. This will stop any flagging of your account and it will go through.


Well-Known Member
If you go on a Monday or Tuesday, pay for the card with will take a full business day, possibly 2 for the card to show that it is loaded on their online website (it's kinda like if you have online banking you can check transactions and card balance). Anyway, yes you do have to register the card and provide a social security number, but Ive done it now with a good 5 or 6 different cards....all from walmart, all in my name...and this has been over 3 or 4 years now....might i add pot is completely illegal within a good 400+ mile radius


Well-Known Member
Oh boy, okay. I might just go with the money order and see what happens. I'm really not comfortable putting my name and social on anything. I've heard that the Visa Green Dot Card works internationally, anyone have any insight on that?

Ugh!! why do they have to make you jump through so many god damn hoops for such a simple little nothing! So annoying!

bo fli 7000

Well-Known Member
green dot works good using for 2 years no prob at attitude seed bank it cost 4.95 every time u put money on it i used it for dr greenthumb seeds too


Well-Known Member
So you guys have used greendot visa cards from walmart to order from the states? Are you talking recently? I just got burned on an nFinanse card, used to work for me and was fairly recently changed so they dont work overseas anymore.


Well-Known Member
Maybe money orders are the way to go. Gift cards just seem to be to big of a hassle and a gamble as to whether or not they'll even work. If I get burned on a money order, so be it. At least I'll still have anonymity.


Well-Known Member
lol how many times do i have to address this....every bank has a cap on how much money you can spend oversees before its flagged and stopped. if you get the error that it was declined simply call your credit card company or bank and tell them that you would like that payment pushed through and then the next time you make an order this will not happen again!!!! simple, no ones trying to get you, no you wont get busted for ordering seeds because it costs more to bust you than just take them, and no its not a conspiracy against anyone just a way to stop people from stealing your money from oversees!!