ginsberg's dire warning coming true already

let me guess you're the exception to the rule?

Uncle Bigot is the almighty emperor of all he surveys, a mental giant in the annals of mental giants, so intelligent that college was a waste of his time ( although there is a photo in another thread that shows him driving a nail with a fucking hatchet, I kid you not ) so he trolls the internet and is an unemployed drug dealer.
no one is born with the name Trayvon. or forced to dress and act like a thug

what's so thuggish?

( although there is a photo in another thread that shows him driving a nail with a fucking hatchet, I kid you not )

you guys are desperate as all shit.


maybe try making fun of my swamp cooler next.

the back of my hatchet has far greater flat surface area than a hammer. that's important when you're driving down stakes so that you don't split, mangle, or shatter the stake.

you guys are desperate as all shit.


maybe try making fun of my swamp cooler next.

the back of my hatchet has far greater flat surface area than a hammer. that's important when you're driving down stakes so that you don't split, mangle, or shatter the stake.

cimg2823-jpg.2253126 that a trap for giant lobsters!?
the back of my hatchet has far greater flat surface area than a hammer. that's important when you're driving down stakes so that you don't split, mangle, or shatter the stake.
Actually champ, a flat metal edge is far more likely to split, mangle, or shatter the stake vs a wooden mallet.
tell that to your buddy and ally in racism over there.

I said it out I side with Rob Roy, ideologically. Red1966, or whatever the fuck it is, is an iggied fascist.

I'm conservative on some issues, liberal on others. all you Hutus an' Tutsi can hack each other to tiny pieces, for all I care. more land and jobs for us free men.
so in other words, they weren't denied service because they were acting inappropriately, but they were denied service because the owner was a bigot?

how is that any different than booting someone for their skin color or nationality, or any other protected civil right status?

Again, NOONE was booted from anywhere. They were told the owner doesn't partake in gay marriage in any capacity. Feel free to purchase anything else you would care to buy.

The customers were told their wants didn't usurp the owner's beliefs and right to not partake in an act they found objectionable to their religious beliefs. And yes, that makes them bigots.

The only difference I can see is that Christians are FIRMLY on record against homosexuality and gay marriage based on their beliefs. I don't think the same could be said for your other examples. If businesses must respect the lunacy of other religions and accommodate their nuances and restrictions, then I think the progressives have cut their own throats on this one. Unless, you just ignore the double standard and target Christians. Which is exactly what they're doing.

I'm more of a "fuck your religion" and "that shit stops the second you punch in on the time clock" kind of guy. But, it has to be across the board, no exceptions.
Again, NOONE was booted from anywhere. They were told the owner doesn't partake in gay marriage in any capacity. Feel free to purchase anything else you would care to buy.

The customers were told their wants didn't usurp the owner's beliefs and right to not partake in an act they found objectionable to their religious beliefs. And yes, that makes them bigots.

The only difference I can see is that Christians are FIRMLY on record against homosexuality and gay marriage based on their beliefs. I don't think the same could be said for your other examples. If businesses must respect the lunacy of other religions and accommodate their nuances and restrictions, then I think the progressives have cut their own throats on this one. Unless, you just ignore the double standard and target Christians. Which is exactly what they're doing.

I'm more of a "fuck your religion" and "that shit stops the second you punch in on the time clock" kind of guy. But, it has to be across the board, no exceptions.

so would-be-paying-customers who are gay are being denied service simply for being gay, but it's the christians who are being targeted according to you?

why don't you retarded righties just admit that you're all religious bigoted shitheads instead of doing this game of make-believe where you pretend not to be religious?
so would-be-paying-customers who are gay are being denied service simply for being gay, but it's the christians who are being targeted according to you?

why don't you retarded righties just admit that you're all religious bigoted shitheads instead of doing this game of make-believe where you pretend not to be religious?

When businesses are forced to make ridiculous concessions in their workplaces to accommodate various religious beliefs, yet the same concern isn't shown to Christian beliefs...yeah.

You caught me, I'm not a huge fan of Christopher Hitchens and I don't have a signed copy of his book "God is not great, how religion poisons everything" and called them bigots in my last post. I'm really a closet religious zealot, I just call myself an anti-theist to throw off the libs. So what if I've been perfectly consistent on my denouncing of religion since day one on this forum?