Girl? me be happy


came home today...think I see pistils w/ white hairs.... dead center of pic just to right of "stipules"

So, help me out peeps, is it a girl??

(couldn't find my digital so all i could get was this 2 mp pic off my phone)


Well-Known Member
came home today...think I see pistils w/ white hairs.... dead center of pic just to right of "stipules"

So, help me out peeps, is it a girl??

(couldn't find my digital so all i could get was this 2 mp pic off my phone)
I think I see a pistal. Really looks like one.


Well-Known Member
Looks male to me. Dont know what hair your seeing. I see testicals.
What part of that looks male to you? If your referring to the pod that u c immediately when you look at the pic right there in the middle. Then no you are wrong as a male have balls. And that doesn't look like any ball ive ever see. A banana if anything but way to early for it to go hermy.

Smucker G

Active Member
One step up from what Im guessing your calling a banana. Guess we'll see in a couple days. My money is on male.


Well-Known Member
Kinda hard to really tell this early sometimes, but IMO it looks female. But then again so did the transvestite Danny Bonaduce beat up!!! LOL :) :)


Well I'll post up with updates and whatnot...ooh its dark in my room and I cant go see how the 12 hrs of night, I had a dream I woke up and there were trichs lol fat chance


trying...can't find my digital camera...had to settle for phone cam a few more pics in a coup minutes...gotta send them from phone to email


Heres a few more pics...same plant (only plant lol) I only have my phone camera to work with as I have no idea where my digital is

If you look at the most center nodes in the pics (sorry a lil blurry) you can see the stipules...if you look to the right you should see what hopefully is a calyx w/ small pistils...

the "hopeful bits" are only on the second highest node (the highest has not opened all the way yet but has gorgeous leaves and a few branch sets ready to explode)



Pics seem to suck sorry...but, if you look at hopeful2 (pic name- only pic where stem points right) looking at the node area you can see the faint outline of what I believe could be a pistil/calyx (the "hair" is more visible curling into the stem, faint but I see it...wish I had a better camera to help yall out (and help me in the process :) )


Well, its one or the other, and ill keep updating at least every few days till we figure it out....keep insight coming all, thx


Well-Known Member
Its definitely a female or hermaph plant. herm's wont usually show till 12/12 so watch it to be careful. The first pic shows it best. If the plant is from seed it will not show a lot of sexual maturity until 12/12. You will know when you hit bloom.