Glass Blowing


Well-Known Member
Information from the lips of practitioners in trade.
Is it an efficient/effective way to facilitate artistic expression?

What are the costs? hours per work? just generalizations are fine, break down prices to hour per work say medium pipe, medium bong, large bong with two intricate parts.

How long does it take to get it down/good.

How much does the equipment cost? Where did you guys get yours? Why/how did you first get into Blowing class.

Can it be a side thing? Or is it something you pretty much need to go full force into? I'm interested in it as a side business and as a pass time/hobby similar to leather working (I make goggles on my spare time) or painting/drawing/graphic design, etc etc by means of artistic expression.
Add any other information to note, like urls to good pages to find this information, equipment and other related things.

Really interested in responses.

Don't give out nonconstructive commentary or non discussion directed posts that distract from it.

midnight smoker

Active Member
Hahaha..."Blowing" Sereously though it takes a while before you make something you can actually smoke out of. not to mention the initial invest you have to make to buy all the equipment but good luck yr gonna need

midnight smoker

Active Member
and ya it can be a "side thing" but you have to get good before you make anything you can actually sell. as for equipment I got mine at a swap meet. even used it ran me about $300


Well-Known Member
Not bad, sounds reasonable. I never said I wanted to make instant profit if thats how it came out, just possible prospect with potential to produce a side income over practice. But, yeah I can't find anyone to talk to even about it, so anything constructive is appreciated once again.

rep 219z

Active Member
Funny you started this thread, I was just thinking about this today. Hopefully we'll get a full-on glassblower in here sooner or later, as I have some questions as well.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend that has been blowing glass for several years now, he has several grand invested into all his stuff.