It won't be gone soon. Fungicides are systemic. You NEVER spray a fungicide on a fruit or flower if you care for your health. That's the kind of cancer-causing crap that is ailing this entire planet. Carcinogens frigging everywhere. In our food and now in your weed too bro, sorry to tell you this, I REALLY am, but it is the truth. They stay in the plant's tissues for many weeks, up to 12 as far as I recall. You don't even spray milk or any of the other snake-oils people will tell you should work this close to the end brother. When the last 4 weeks start counting down, your plant is on it's own, this is the ONLY safe way. Neem Oil as part of a regular control regimen would probably have prevented this mate, bear that in mind for next time. Your other plants are under threat, the spores are everywhere right now. Get your RH DOWN DOWN DOWN! Get the infected one out of there!!!! Harvest time dude. It sucks when a crop gets forced to an early cropping, but such is life, been there done that have a collection of t-shirts.