Goin Rate For Purple HAze In Atlanta, Gerogia

I don't know about the atl but anywhere else in ga an oz goes for 3-400. Be lucky to find a 8th for a 100 bucks in the city.
That's BS..... It's probably not even purple haze.
People who don't know anything about weed and try to talk about it like experts always claim they have white widow or purple haze or sour diesel or other very commonly mentioned strains that are talked about in songs..
Man as far as I've seen, bud in atl is similar price as any other city. Regular dank "beesters" are 50 an 8th. Name brand shit is 60 and up, but I've never heard of 100 for an 8th. If it's real purp, it'll be around 65.
Of course "hood" weed and Ga Tech weed might be a little different.