Going to 12/12 in increments


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here when changing to flowering gradually change lights to 12/12 or go right from your vegging time straight to 12/12. I was just sitting here thinking about it. When I change to flowering i shorten my time by one hour a ay till I reach 12/12. I dont know why I do this. I guess I thought it would be closer to nature, dont really thinks it makes a difference. I was just wondering if anyone else does or has done this before.


Well-Known Member
There has been a lot of discussion on this subject. But here is the skinny.
Pot needs a solid block of 12 hours darkness to start flowering. Any light
schedule with less than 12 hours dark is not going to do the job. If the plant
won't start flowering until it gets the 12 hours darkness why screw around?

Good luck, BigSteve.