good question about growth!!!!


Active Member
a plants growth is based on a 24 hour day cycle. when flowering, they need darkness. try using 12 hour day and a 8 hour night. and cycle.;)


Well-Known Member
wot a dumb ass u gota use the full 24 hours with 12/12 or 13/11 all i was saying is , is there more growth in the dark or light


Well-Known Member
LOL yh it is its cycle .
but yh science more light more growth but the plants on plant earth need that cycle 18/6 VEGGING (SUMMER) /// 12/12 FLOWERING (WINTER)
keep to the book
and remember 18/6 make it grow but 12/12 makes it flower and grow.


Well-Known Member
Personal opinion for me is More at night.

But I think its cause I watch them all day and dont notice differences, but when they wake up Im like DAMN they grew.

Really good question BTW +1

interested to see others opinions.


Well-Known Member
think of the science more light more growth but the plants on plant earth need that cycle 18/6 VEGGING (SUMMER) /// 12/12 FLOWERING (WINTER)
But thats why people try 24/0 but if anything your gonna get a hermie plant (HE-SHE)


Well-Known Member
who really cares. Besides they probably grow the same ammount in the dark and light. I see it this way in the dark the plant isnt using as much energy soaking up the light instead it is using its energy for photosynthesis, and in the light its using its energy on not photosynthesis but on soaking up the light. probably same ammount of energy so same ammount of energy put on growing for the plant


Well-Known Member
Who reli cares no one . WTF
but um if any thing the plant will grow roots to look for water or nodes start to get ready but the light is the growing time lol


Well-Known Member
i care because if they grow more in the dark id try sumthin like 11/13 two more hours in the dark growing!! see if it makes a diffrence with the bud size or sum shit like that....


Well-Known Member
OMG lol just try it HERMIE coming up .
the plants only look grow and all the rest coz the cycle 18/6 (SUMMER DAYS) 12/12 (WINTER DAYS)


Well-Known Member
i fucked my the time zone on my first one didnt get alot of bud because of hermie was there playin around in there . lol


Well-Known Member
i know for a fact that is you use 11light13 dark quicker budding and 13light and 11dark longer budding but more bud.

so oviously 12/12 is a good ratio..... go any more than 11/13 and they will become he/shes lol....


Well-Known Member
Thats what im saying man
fuck around with time zones (18/6)(12/12) KEEP TO THE BOOK UNLESS YOU WANT A HE-SHE


Well-Known Member
only time i alter light is when i go from veg to flowering i add a 36 hour dark in there which makes sexing quicker

duno if you ppl tryed this but works realy well you can sex in like 1-2 days


Well-Known Member
only time i alter light is when i go from veg to flowering i add a 36 hour dark in there which makes sexing quicker

duno if you ppl tryed this but works realy well you can sex in like 1-2 days
I do that also, we come out of 24 hours to 36 hours dark.

it helps the plant realize OH Its time to flower now....


Well-Known Member
Yh 96 is well to much .
36 seems about right and the science is there ... the plant knows that winter(12/12) is there