Got a few plants flowering. Help please.


Well-Known Member
I started some non feminized plants indoors in feburary and vegged inside under flouros on 18/6
until april 15th. I then put them in larger containers and put them in a secluded outdoor area.
Within a week they started showing sex so I killed out the males and put the females in the ground.
I started taking clones at that moment and they have been doing great, not flowering at all, just
vigorous growth. I noticed some of the mothers revegged fine and a few are forming buds, I
started hitting them with a high nitrogen fert, theyre still growing in height but like I said they are
forming buds now, the other day I topped a few of them and pinched the buds off to see if that
might help them revert. The others still have pistols but are vegging vigourously. What can I do to
stop the budding and getem back to vegging again. Im hoping to have some monsters on my hands
in october and november. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else ever had this happen? Did I do the right thing of pinching the bud off? A little help would help a little lot. Thanks..


New Member
put my cone of jack out 4/13/13 its week 3 in bud the mature sativa dosen't mind the long hours but needs bloom nutrition the skunk put out 5/5/13 is full veg and lush with the long hrs


Well-Known Member
Glad that they are doing good for you and sounds like you are doing the right
thing there. Can anyone help me with my problem as i'm on wits end with this. Hope
my babies arent ruined.


Active Member
You need supplemental lighting (extend the hours of light) ...a couple of CFL's will work... all the N nutes in the world will not make them reveg...they're photoperiodic plants...its gonna take 2-3 weeks minimum before you see a change


Well-Known Member
I know that supplemental lighting will reveg them, but this is a guerilla grow out in bfe, theyre in the ground, thats out of the question. Will they just reveg in a few more weeks or not?