got an issue please help

smokin it

Active Member
i must leave and move,my plant are only 4 in high and i have to be gone in 7 weeks, what can i do? if i flower early will i get any thing? im not talking about flowering now just in maybe 3 weeks or so. any info would be helpfull


Well-Known Member
u dont got a friend that u can trust that can babysit them?if not then put them out side.put it in the ground and then u wont have to worry about it,but if u have to flower it then u might get like a gram if ur lucky


Well-Known Member
If he flowered right now, he could get a good amount, as he would know if he had done a tiny bit of reading on here.

smokin it

Active Member
ya thats what i though,moving out of state so cant leave them i'd be happy with just something for the ride


Active Member
yeah just flower them now i do it all the time, usually a bit bigger but not much, you cant wait 3 weeks dude cause its gonna take the 7 to finish


Well-Known Member
Wait is he leaving in 7 weeks or is he going to be gone for 7 weeks. I should stay out of this area this stoned!!!!!!! FREKIN ME OUTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!