Got caught and am on probation now, suggestions for alternatives?


New Member
Hmmm... Drivers license or weed.... I would have gave the judge my license right then and there...

An alternative is that, you need to quit.. And face that, with or without a therapist. Drug tests aren't what they used to be, they will see it. Another one would be that, this is the perfect time to be legal. Because it's not federal, once your legal, smoke all you want, use this new prescription to your advantage.

Another one that I would do if I were you is... Smoke? Purposely get cought and have them take your license. Who gives a fuck if it's on your record? You don't, because it's your life on the line...

Anyways... Do what you feel is... Best... In a situation like this.. It can't really get any worst physically, only mentally, which if you don't take care of now, you could turn that mental state easily into another attempt.. I've slit my rists. I know where your coming from


Active Member
Hahaha!!! Hey man dude said he wants to get high and this is a legal option in some states still. Your right its a mind trip from hell but if you can handle it you will be stoned.

Get you a sack of Spice and report back. ;-)

In this Guys case....he'd probably think the walls are closing in and

the only way a window of some sort


New Member
What srh said, pick up a hobby, I'm too poor for weed right now but I found drinking gets me thru as I mostly used weed for sleep and it helps my stutter but I've been getting by using alcohol. I would suggest it to you but if you're suicidal I can't imagine it be the best idea for you.

He jumped out of a window,
and you're suggesting spice?

really? That shit already makes people jump out of's gonna make this guy jump out of anything and everything he finds...
Not saying Spice makes you suicidal but when some people aren't on it or don't have it for a period of time it makes you really anxious and people who have bad anxiety already it will bring it out in you, I guess the same could be said for weed but it's all mental either way and spice gives you really bad coughs and the stuff that comes out is nasty as hell, plus the heart thing is scary at times too.


In this Guys case....he'd probably think the walls are closing in and

the only way a window of some sort
Might be right. It can be a mind screw for some people. I know 2 people that actually went to the hospital freaking out. Like seriously. If you can't handle your heart beating super fast and being able to hear it in your head. Dont smoke spice lol.

Just stop smoking for a bit man, its really not that hard. Eat some sunflower seeds and think about different things. You will be ok.


Well-Known Member
Go get some L-Theanine supplements, they are great. They calm your nervous system down and produce alpha brain waves, meaning you'll be relaxed but at the same time alert. You can't overdose on it and it has tons of health benefits too. It's extremely safe and I can tell you from experience it works. Take 200-600mg and see how you feel. Take 200mg at first and wait 45 mins. If you do look into it, make sure the bottle is using Suntheanine. It's the purest and most effective form.

Another supplement that will help with increasing not only your mood but overall health, omega-3 fish oil.


Active Member
The bad thing, which is actually a good thing in the long run, that you will have to accept is....... THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE TO WEED. If you wanna pass a drug test easily use this: MonkeyBiz


Well-Known Member
Also, exercise. Jog or play basketball or anything for 30-60 mins a day. It will increase the serotonin in your brain and help calm your anxiety. Drink water and make sure you take a daily multivitamin, because a lack of nutrients can lead to depressed feelings as well. Take something like xtend-life (research it, highest-quality one in the world), most store-bought supplements aren't that effective.


Well-Known Member
What srh said, pick up a hobby, I'm too poor for weed right now but I found drinking gets me thru as I mostly used weed for sleep and it helps my stutter but I've been getting by using alcohol. I would suggest it to you but if you're suicidal I can't imagine it be the best idea for you.

Not saying Spice makes you suicidal but when some people aren't on it or don't have it for a period of time it makes you really anxious and people who have bad anxiety already it will bring it out in you, I guess the same could be said for weed but it's all mental either way and spice gives you really bad coughs and the stuff that comes out is nasty as hell, plus the heart thing is scary at times too.
Trolling if you pm me your address and you get some weed it didn't come from me.:eyesmoke:

No one should be too poor for their medicine! No one should have to drink alcohol which is proven to be so so much worse for you and we all know it is without any fancy studies we know our bodies we know it is worse we actually smoke weed to rid of the hangovers!!!!

No one should have their medicine taken away no matter what law they break!!! :finger: god damn military industrial police state :finger:

hope it gets better guys :peace:


New Member
If I lived in a MMJ state, it might not be as bad since I imagine I would have more selection of prices lol. It's ok tho, I'm not a complete drunkard, I mainly use it for sleep, the fact that it helps my stutter is a plus. As soon as I can get a second or better job with more hours I'll be able to afford it.