Got Critters


Well-Known Member
I checked on my girls today and noticed that the soil had been dug into.Lucky for me they had only dug a small amount not disturbing the root system too bad but still freeked me out.I ran to local hard ware store and added some chicken wire to the bottom of the pot.hopefully this will keep those little shits out of my grow.I wonder if they smell the molasses or what they are after?
I'm in Nova Scotia and here we have skunks and that's what they do !! Little bastards :) .. Anyways any feed and garden store should carry animal repellent or try some mothballs !


I had the same problem, 3 times this year, except... they dug my plants out and tossed them on the ground. So... I took a shit right in the middle of all of them, then I got some dog hair from a rather large german shepard, and scattered all over the place, then I put some of the german shepards shit all over the place too. No digging since :D


Well-Known Member
I have had a fox grab ahold of two plants and rip them from the ground
I saw him do it so it went right out and replanted only to have him come back again the next day
And do it again .


Well-Known Member
This year I sat out about 15 tomato plants, to date I have probably pulled about 20 tomatoes off of my plants to eat. The plants have had super great tomato production. Fucking squirrels have stole about 90% of my fucking tomatoes. I hope to God they don't like bud.