Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
I try not to discuss it too much.I'm very personal about it.You can look up spell casting,Wicca, things like that.I'm a bit of a solitary practitioner, and I don't write spells down exactly...I just do them heart I guess. Here's a simple one....It's to cast a protective circle....Draw a circle in the earth, Place a Bowl of salt at north,a burning candle at south,a bowl of water at west, and burning incense at east.Salt is earth, candle is fire,water is...uh...water...incense is air.Start facing north.Take some salt, Say"Spirits of the north,build a mighty mountain to shield me from harm within this circle.Bless this circle."Go clockwise, sprinkling salt around circle.Next face east.Pick up the incense."Spirits of the east,of air,may your mighty winds blow in the face of my enemies.Bless this circle."Travel clockwise again, carrying incense, replace it at east, Turn south, pick up candle."Spirits of the south, of fire, may your flames burn away all evil and doubt.Bless this circle."Carry the flame clockwise, you may pour some drops of wax around as you go.Put candle back at south, go to west,Pick up water bowl."Spirits of the west, of water, wash clean my body, my heart and my thoughts.Purify and sactify this circle.Bless this circle."Sprinkle the water around the circle clockwise.Now you have a protective circle.You can cast spells from this, meditate, go into trances, trim toenails, whatever.When done, you can Close the circle.Start at north, and work widdershins, or counterclockwise.Address the spirits of said direction, thank them for their protection, and wish them go in peace.
.........U believe that....
Can u give me a spell..... i would like to give it a go ...![]()