Got Hermies ...Now What?


Active Member
I have just discovered a hermie has fertilized my whole crop. I'm about 5 weeks into flower, that is, 4 weeks from harvest. Should I let the crop continue to grow and just accept that there will be seeds in all the buds, or harvest everything now?



Well-Known Member
cut down the hermie you might be suprised just how little they can fertilize other plants. before i started running clones i had a hermie in every grow using femenized seeds. most of the time you can tell what plants are around the hermie.

just give the hermie/hermies a good spray with water and remove them from the tent/grow area and dispose of them.


Active Member
Yeah I'm pretty worried about the fem tangerine dream I bought. I'm going to study this plant every single day to make sure it doesn't herm. Last crop I got dusted with pole from a herm too. It sucks. I cut everything when I caught the herm


New Member
got hermies what?

Cry......Feel like it's gonna be OK.....cry again even harder.......Let them finish.....Cry......dry them.....Cry.....Make a shit ton of hash/butter. Get over it and be FAR FAR more attentive the next round. (my friends experience a couple rounds ago) :(


Well-Known Member
i had a similiar thing happen to me in week 3 of flower, since i will have no bud if this crop fails ive resorted to pulling off seeds and male flowers every day so at the end of it ive at least got something to smoke, not ideal but hey what in life is


RIU Bulldog
Idk, I say if you can afford to waste the light, and you dont have any plants that could move in there immediately, then fuck it, let them grow and make hash from them.


Active Member
Well thanks, guys, for the advice. For the record, I have one plant each of 7 different strains (Vanilla Kush, White Widow, Blueberry, Mekong High, The Ultimate, Skunk #11, Orange Bud), and have to say the 2 from Barney's Farm -- VK and the Ultimate -- are a real disappointment. The VK plant is the best one of the 10 VKs I started with, and is only about 18" tall w/ not many buds, all of which are small. The Ultimate is even smaller. This in comparison the the other plants, all of which are so tall that I actually have to use a ladder to get to the tops and are totally loaded with buds. All were grown under the exact same conditions -- aero system a la Stinkbud, Botanicare nutrients, 7 weeks from seed to 12/12. I think what I will do is cut those branches that have buds that look like they are trying to produce seeds and leave the rest ...hopefully there are some that are uninfected.
Thanx again, Robert in Arizona


Well-Known Member
my understanding is that a hermie can fuck ur whole crop....literally.
Im sure it could get bad if you let it go. Ive only had two kinds of hermie. The barneys farm femenized hasnt been so bad for me, they like to throw male flowers at the nodes, and a dutch passion blueberry hermie threw flowers in the buds. The one with flowers in the buds did alot more damage than the barneys farm did. I killed the blueberrys as they hermied on my second grow, on my first grow i tried three aplications of dutch masters reverse and picking off flowers to control it.

barneys farm hermies has always been pretty easy to pinpoint and destroy the flowers. Ive also killed a few of them along the way though. if you let a plant hermie the whole grow i could see it doing some seriouse damage, but if you stay aware and set a point at which you stop trying to control them and just cut them down you should be fine.

on my current grow im down to 15 plants in a 4x4 area. i started with 2 blueberry clones and both hermied. It wasnt even a question this grow, if something hermied it was going to get cut down. Its a little harder when you only have 3 or 4 plants though.


Active Member
let it grow!! mine went hermie on me about the same time.. check my sig.. i stressed out for a week cos the bud growth slowed right down and seeds popped up everywhere. BUT after a week the seeds stopped appearing and the buds exploded...
let it grow and smoke it,,l,,, youll just have a few seeds here and there to pick out of your bowl,.. that all.


Well-Known Member
A few things on this, If its late enough in the grow it wont hurt you. With 4 weeks you are on the fringe, and since you dont really know I would say the ignore it, would be not the method I would use.

The other thing you can do is be EXTREMELY carefull and remove the entire plant, pot and all from the room. Then meticulously, and I mean meticulously, scan each branch and remove any male flowers(or anything that looks like it might grow into a male flower), then mark that branch done (I use a piece of string). Then go to the next branch. Get anything that looks close to a male flower and cut it off. Seeing as you only have about 4 weeks if you get them all, it will probably take too long for it to regrow those male flowers and be able to polinate anything, so you would only have to do this 1 time, but you should check the plant every week or so. I have done this successfully and not had seeds. If you arent going to do this with extreme care, you risk polinating everything in the room. so weigh that with how badly you want to keep that plant.


Well-Known Member
If not mistaken the seeds should be female and even stronger. you should give em a try. just a couple seeds wont hurt as much as it'll help!!! a seed or 2 is also a good indicator of ripness!!! when it's almost ready to fall outta that sac...... plant's done!


Well-Known Member
If not mistaken the seeds should be female and even stronger. you should give em a try. just a couple seeds wont hurt as much as it'll help!!! a seed or 2 is also a good indicator of ripness!!! when it's almost ready to fall outta that sac...... plant's done!

You dont want to use seeds from a plant that hermed under normal growing conditions, they are prone to herm again.


Active Member
Okay, not knowing any better, and acting before I got some of the later advice, I harvested everything yesterday. So, I guess I'm now in the hash business, which I've never done before. I would welcome any advice you could offer, and here are some specific questions I have:
1.) I have all the plants hanging and in a dark room with a fan going. I have removed all of the big fan leaves. Can I speed up the drying process, say, by using cookie sheets in the oven with the door open on low heat? I'm thinking this would be OK since I no longer care how smooth the smoke is, but I don't want to degrade the THC, and I'm wondering if that might do it.
2.) My crop was fairly big -- 8 plants that were tall enough that I had to use a step stool to get to the tops. So I would like to be sure that hash is the best way to go, rather than honey oil, or something else. And, since there are several ways to make hash, what would you suggest is the best way for the large amount of bud/trim that I have?
3.) It is my understanding that the ice hash method with graduated strainers basically just captures the trichomes that fall off the dried plant material, but doesn't capture any cannabinoids that are in the material itself. Is that right?
thanx again, bob


Well-Known Member
1) Just let them dry natually or put some more fans in there. IMO Oven is too high of a temp(I have dried buds this way for taste testing reasons, its easy to mess it up), if you have a dehydrator with a fan and a temp control that does < 100 Degrees that would be the fastest. You could also take the buds and put them in between cellulose(NOT Fiberglass) furnace filters then bungee the stack of filters to a box fan.

2) For that quantity I would think oil would be rather expensive way to go.

3) That is correct. Also there are several ppl that use upright washing machines to make large quantites of Ice Hash. Basically Put trim/Ice/Water into washing machine, then run it on agitate. Put the output hose into the bubble bag (which is usually streched across a large garbage can). When it pumps the water out,it goes through the bubble bags and viola.


Active Member
OK, I will go with ice hash, but since I hope this is the last time I will ever have to do this, I'm not going to set up a washing machine operation. Why is it called "bubble" hash? Do you have any suggestions as to the brand, number, sizes, etc. of the bags, and a good place to get them?
Thanx again, Bob


Well-Known Member
OK, I will go with ice hash, but since I hope this is the last time I will ever have to do this, I'm not going to set up a washing machine operation. Why is it called "bubble" hash? Do you have any suggestions as to the brand, number, sizes, etc. of the bags, and a good place to get them?
Thanx again, Bob
go to ebay and type in bubble bags