Got ripped off last night!


Well-Known Member
yeah that suck sorry about that.. he had to know what was in there..just couldnt get them all. think about who knows about your lil shed.:evil: then go to work. you know take care of biss-ness..:evil:......"treat me good ill treat you better...treat me bad and ill treat you worst":blsmoke:


New Member
Some lowlife slimeball climbed over a 6' wall, went into my utility shed, and took the whole top bucket off one of my waterfarm units.
Sorry to tell you this but I'll bet it is someone you know. Think about any people who have just been over at your house. Or maybe anybody new that a friend had brought over. It could also be a family member......anyway, sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
are you sure you can shoot someone if they come on your property, i saw something on tv the other day about a guy in texas witnessed his neighbors house getting robbed by two illegals, he called 911 and went outside to stop them, one charged at him and the other ran he dropped them both, he was tried one time for 2 counts of murder but found not guilty, now they are trying him again...really made me think twice about how pc texas has become...always wanted to think of it as a cowboy state
thats why they tried to convict....the law is simple..if the entry wound exhibits any evidence that the person was trying to flee it now becomes manslaughter or worse instead of protecting yourself....i also had a homocide detective tell me once that if i ever do shoot an intruder in my house make sure that there is only 1 story to be told....mine(wink wink):joint:


Well-Known Member
ya but you think you'd have the hoo hoos to do it?
:hump:....yes without hesitation...i keep a .357 in the nightstand and all kind of other goodies around the house and garage....however...i would not take someones life for trying to take my pot...only for the well being of my wife and I....:joint:


Active Member
you need to do something to those fuckers. Sit out and wait for them to come and shoot with a paintball gun or a bbgun or something. If you dont want to actually shoot them with a gun then just shoot a good few rounds off to scare the shit outa them! you cant let them get away with stealing YOUR pot! Take action.. and deff let us know wat happens so we can all laugh!


New Member
you need to do something to those fuckers. Sit out and wait for them to come and shoot with a paintball gun or a bbgun or something. If you dont want to actually shoot them with a gun then just shoot a good few rounds off to scare the shit outa them! you cant let them get away with stealing YOUR pot! Take action.. and deff let us know wat happens so we can all laugh!

It's this type of talk that gets people killed. Over what?

Just lock your shit up, add some motion lights and keep your ears open.


Well-Known Member
now this ass hole is going to run his mouth to his friends, they will try to come back for the rest. belive that. he is also going to use this knowlege of your grow for any future legal obstacle he might have in the future,(telling cops to try to reduce his charges). I know you said it is a legal grow but cops are pricks.


Well-Known Member
good thinking caddy. You're right too, that is a definite possibility. keep up tight security and keep your eye's peeled. I'd try catching the next intruder to bring to the police and get him on trespassing and maybe b&e. but to be save...don't mention the weed to the cops.


Well-Known Member

It's this type of talk that gets people killed. Over what?

Just lock your shit up, add some motion lights and keep your ears open.
I agree entirely, the guns are strictly for defense in case some wannabee
gangsta pulls out a weapon. I will NOT become a statistic.


Well-Known Member
now this ass hole is going to run his mouth to his friends, they will try to come back for the rest. belive that. he is also going to use this knowlege of your grow for any future legal obstacle he might have in the future,(telling cops to try to reduce his charges). I know you said it is a legal grow but cops are pricks.
That's the worst part. He's probably bragging about his exciting score and planning the next raid.
Right about the cops. Legal or not...NO COPS is GOOD COPS. I don't want the police at my door everytime some teenybopper gets busted smoking in the park.