Got To Love California- Marijuana Vending Machines>


Well-Known Member

California approves marijuana vending machines
Photo: Rob Homer


January 29, 2008 - 10:14AM

Patients in California can now buy legal medical marijuana through a vending machine at a herbal nutrition centre in Los Angeles.
Starting this week, they will go through security, submit their prescription, pay and pick up their drugs.
Store employees call it a safe, fast way to order prescriptions.
Vince Mehdizadeh, Owner of Herbal Nutrition Centre said, "They'll slide a card to get into the store after hours. They'll be greeted by a security guard right there.
"They'll slide card in and they'll fingerprint in to verify that it's them. A camera takes a picture of them, verifying that they're actually at the machine. And they get the medicine and they move on."
The state will start with two prescription vending machines offering medical marijuana.
Owners believe they could become as common as pop machines.


Well-Known Member
wow. I can guarantee you that buying weed in a vending machine is about the only place that people on this forum will tolerate being video-taped and fingerprinted. That's really nice though. Thumbs up Cali. Jealous again.