gotta love you americans


Well-Known Member
No, but I read the reviews on Weedmaps and I found a review where someone mentioned that they had a gun flashed on them when they entered the shop......And that the shop owners were hoodlums.

The shop had a 1 star rating and others complaining, so it wasn't made up.

And the shop owners were replying with broken english gangsta talk. "Yeah I gotchu, hit up the shop"

Thats enough right there to confirm this shit happens.
Kinda sounds like the pawn shop down the street and some of the junk yards around Sacramento.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
No, but I read the reviews on Weedmaps and I found a review where someone mentioned that they had a gun flashed on them when they entered the shop......And that the shop owners were hoodlums.

The shop had a 1 star rating and others complaining, so it wasn't made up.

And the shop owners were replying with broken english gangsta talk. "Yeah I gotchu, hit up the shop"

Thats enough right there to confirm this shit happens.
From one anecdotal review? Really?


Well-Known Member
dude the only place this pot thing will go is down into the ground and right back up in the form of plants. soon enough you'll walk into your nurseries and find so many strains among grapes and lettuce it will become just another plant to grow as it should be.

meechz 024

Active Member
From one anecdotal review? Really?
Point is it's real and happens out there....and it shouldn't. ya same shit happens in a pawn shop but people don't buy medicine there.

I found other shops like that. usually have 1 star rating and you could only find them in CA.

it's not just from one review.....DEA has shutdown multiple hood dispensaries. That the biggest bad look for MMJ, hood shops using prop 215. Nothing against California but it is what it is


Well-Known Member
the med scene in Cali is screwed up big time.
keep pot illegal. i am the counter culture and
fuck mainstream.
btw, in Cali pot is a infraction so smoke up.
regulate and tax a natural plant? what
a complete joke and a good laugh for many


Ursus marijanus
I am not against making it more available per say, but not udner the guise of "medical marijuana"

A heck of a lot of folk outside of the US do not like what you have done because you have discredited the notion of medical marijauna, we do not see anything medical about your system on the whole, just a legal loophole to go get stoned. I used cannabis for a very good medical reason, but these days if i tell someone why i use it, i just get laughed at and have the US example thrown in my face. People do not respect my use of cannabis as a valid medical aid, they simply tell me it's just an excuse to get stoned. No, i get stoned when i want to get stoned, i use it medically when i need to use it medically, to everyone else it's all just the same thing. If you are going to allow it's use under medical reasons, then it should be used for medical reasons. Instead it was just utterly abused. It discredits those of us who actually use it for a valid medical reason and causes people not to respect our use of it but rather just lump us in with the catagory of lazy stoner sterotypes and such.

While the direction that the two states are going with regard to legalization is better, i in no way want that either. I will not be arrested if i buy 2 bottles of vodka from the shop instead of 1, so why should i be arrested if i were to have two ounces of weed. To me it sohuld either be legal, or not legal, with nothing mroe than age restrictions and restrictions with regard to driving, your work, in pubic etc that say alcohol has.

My reasoning is nothing to do with rioting or murders, i never mentioned that. It is simply to do with being disrespected regardless of a genuine use because of the level of misuse. America has harmed how people perceive medical marijuana, not improved it. They no longer see it as a valid treatment or if they do, they do not see it as possible to implement it as a treatment on purely medical terms. That is simply my opinion though.
Tip Top, the MJ-legalization effort in the States is laboring under one terrible burden ... our Federal classification of Cannabis as "officially bad juju" thanks to our Controlled Substances Act. So all-or-none legalization really is not a practical option. Imo it's happening as well as it can. CA's medicinal law withstood the initial blast and, despite obvious imperfections, soldiers on. Now two states have achieved the unprecedented outside the Netherlands: a decriminalization with some indications of an approved sourcing/distribution machinery.

If you'll allow me to indulge in an extended metaphor of Medieval warfare, this is not a cavalry raid and cannot be campaigned like one. The target is dauntingly fortified, and they've had most of a century to refine and stock their defenses. This is the carpenters' hour: the armies have been emplaced but battle won't begin until the craftsmen have assembled the trebuchet. Right now the folks in DC are staring down the ramparts at the beams being hewn and fitted ... and I'm guessing/hoping the smart ones see that their future will hold either surrender ... or smoking rubble. cn


Well-Known Member
i don't understand your argument. People have taken advantage of the system but what harm was actually done? Let's look at the real picture here. I'm in a state where the restrictions are so harsh we're running out of cannabis for people desperately in need of it. We have a 99 plant limit and a cap on producers. Meanwhile more an more people are being added to the program. It's placing a huge strain on the producers. The answer isn't more restrictions. We have plenty of restrictions. All it's doing is forcing people to find it on the streets. Guess who wins then? The cartels. Seriously though? What harm was actually done with california's laid back attitude about marijuana? Nobody was killed. No riots happened. There wasn't a government take over. No raping and pillaging. What did happen was a boost to california's economy. A run on snack food. People with smiles on their faces. People getting laid more often and random bouts of giggling. I'm stymied by all the fingers pointing at california and saying, "see what happens!!" well, what exactly happened?
word!! So true


Active Member
No, but I read the reviews on Weedmaps and I found a review where someone mentioned that they had a gun flashed on them when they entered the shop......And that the shop owners were hoodlums.

The shop had a 1 star rating and others complaining, so it wasn't made up.

And the shop owners were replying with broken english gangsta talk. "Yeah I gotchu, hit up the shop"

Thats enough right there to confirm this shit happens.
You read a review about 1 shop and you wrote off the neighborhood? A tony location does not a nice spot make and vice versa, so the old assumptions-and-assholes phrase applies there.

And "gangsta talk" so..because they are black or sound black, they are gangsters? That sounds more than a little racist and is part of the reason why I called your post out in the first place. Wearing a fitted and dropping your R's is not grounds to label someone a felon. Plenty of crooks with expensive suits and designer shoes with Ivy League degrees.

Yes, there are people who abuse the medical system for profit. Are they the majority? No.

If you had had a bad experience at a particular shop and wanted to call it out, then by all means please do. But trashing an entire neighborhood because of one possibly untrue story about someone getting a gun pulled on them and "official responses" that didn't meet your standards for official, that's not cool.


Active Member
Our definitions of abusing the system must differ somewhere.

Or you just know a bunch of really shitty dispensaries..

I'm not implying that people aren't trying to make a living off of MMJ. What do you want them to do? Work for free? See if the people who run/work at a Rite Aid would be down to provide services pro-bono...

But by-and-large, the people I have met are not billionaires. They make enough to live comfortably and gainfully employ a few people.

This attitude that people who open shops and turn a profit are somehow not sincerely involved in MMJ is a complete farce.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
They've already done it wrong so far as i'm concerned. The system started off with honourable intentions but look at how many kiddies get their "script" for either a non-illness or simply by lying about an issue in order to get their recommendation it has become a joke. I myself am damned glad we haven't done as they have done. I want to see it legal or decriminalized, not made into a medical system where it will just become utterly abused and turned into a game of high profits and greedy growers and caregivers.
You don't make any sense. How is keeping it totally illegal and forcing people to break laws any better than people "abusing" the medical laws? It's still fucking illegal. People still grow for profit, it just means it's riskier for everyone involved every step of the way. Tons of people are now offered protection from police and jail time because of the medical program. If I have to find a loop hole and exploit it in order to possess a harmless plant then so be it.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I am not against making it more available per say, but not udner the guise of "medical marijuana"

A heck of a lot of folk outside of the US do not like what you have done because you have discredited the notion of medical marijauna, we do not see anything medical about your system on the whole, just a legal loophole to go get stoned. I used cannabis for a very good medical reason, but these days if i tell someone why i use it, i just get laughed at and have the US example thrown in my face. People do not respect my use of cannabis as a valid medical aid, they simply tell me it's just an excuse to get stoned. No, i get stoned when i want to get stoned, i use it medically when i need to use it medically, to everyone else it's all just the same thing. If you are going to allow it's use under medical reasons, then it should be used for medical reasons. Instead it was just utterly abused. It discredits those of us who actually use it for a valid medical reason and causes people not to respect our use of it but rather just lump us in with the catagory of lazy stoner sterotypes and such.

While the direction that the two states are going with regard to legalization is better, i in no way want that either. I will not be arrested if i buy 2 bottles of vodka from the shop instead of 1, so why should i be arrested if i were to have two ounces of weed. To me it sohuld either be legal, or not legal, with nothing mroe than age restrictions and restrictions with regard to driving, your work, in pubic etc that say alcohol has.

My reasoning is nothing to do with rioting or murders, i never mentioned that. It is simply to do with being disrespected regardless of a genuine use because of the level of misuse. America has harmed how people perceive medical marijuana, not improved it. They no longer see it as a valid treatment or if they do, they do not see it as possible to implement it as a treatment on purely medical terms. That is simply my opinion though.
So you use it for legitimate medical reasons, that if you stated openly would be laughed at and ridiculed?

And in the same paragraph you lambaste americans for discrediting the notion of medical marijuana?

So when you use it for pain it's good, when anyone else uses it they are a joker?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Tip Top, the MJ-legalization effort in the States is laboring under one terrible burden ... our Federal classification of Cannabis as "officially bad juju" thanks to our Controlled Substances Act. So all-or-none legalization really is not a practical option. Imo it's happening as well as it can. CA's medicinal law withstood the initial blast and, despite obvious imperfections, soldiers on. Now two states have achieved the unprecedented outside the Netherlands: a decriminalization with some indications of an approved sourcing/distribution machinery.

If you'll allow me to indulge in an extended metaphor of Medieval warfare, this is not a cavalry raid and cannot be campaigned like one. The target is dauntingly fortified, and they've had most of a century to refine and stock their defenses. This is the carpenters' hour: the armies have been emplaced but battle won't begin until the craftsmen have assembled the trebuchet. Right now the folks in DC are staring down the ramparts at the beams being hewn and fitted ... and I'm guessing/hoping the smart ones see that their future will hold either surrender ... or smoking rubble. cn
It better be medical rubble.