I am saying to get used to people who abuse. Frauds exist and I am tired of being treated like one. I AM disabled and I contribute in many ways to the culture we live in,.....for nothing. The collective to work needs to re-distribute the wealth as well. You speak as if corporate welfare does not exist, and that progressives are deadbeats, and all this other condescending language for what? You going to make me medicine so I can pay and become valid in your opinion. I am the one crying and then kicked by people who have no emotional scope. I'd gladly trade your financial concerns for my own. Get it clear, when we have nothing including health.....this will turn around quick. The conservatives are playing with fire.....mark my words.
Conservatives, in terms of my situation, are producing a sense of guilt about what I cannot control by calling greed and objection to govt waste. I am not referring to you, but many of your partners don't think or express themselves in this fashion, with dignity and respect.They only reason I would have to get used to the abusers is because the government is not efficient enough or cares enough to do anything about it, that's a fact.
Government waste is out of control, more and more government workers are being exposed for their part in this waste, why, because the bureaucracy enables and condones it.
If you are truly disabled, you are not an abuser and should be the first person speaking out against this.
The majority of corporate welfare is not true "welfare" like you are making it out to be.
In most cases it comes in the form of tax breaks and incentives, corporate welfare is pejorative term coined by progressives. This in no way means I condone the practice myself, in fact I despise it, I'm just setting the record straight.
Do I think the majority of progressives are deadbeats, I'll have to admit I do.
To me, any able body American that wants the federal government to provide for them are deadbeats.
If you feel you are being kicked by me you must be feeling guilty, I've said numerous times on this board that I don't mind paying taxes, as long as those taxes are being put to good use.
And I find it somewhat demoralizing that a person in your position would choose to chastise conservatives for speaking out against government waste, waste that ultimately has an adverse affect on yourself.
Conservative may be playing with fire in the short term my friend but mark my words, when the time comes that the takers out number the givers, shit will hit the fan and progressivism will collapse, it's inevitable. I get pissed because I hear "waste" inferred all the time. Conservatives aim towards education, social security, and disability to cut waste. It is demoralizing and it is rubbing off I apologize but waste is not a progressive ethos. I get pigeonholed because am what I am and that sucks. I have a masters degree and more to offer than 99% of these people, I work hard when I am able and get little respect for that. I am a fair person and I digress....but my anger I earned not concocted.
Eliminating government waste could pay for those who cannot afford healthcare.
Yet far left progressive whine about how unfair it is to let Americans who cannot afford health insurance go without healthcare, they think only the federal government can fix it.
If the federal government already has the money to pay for these poor people but choose to squander it on programs they feel are more important than the health of it's citizens then I ask, why should the tax payers foot the bill?
For reasons that defy sanity, various elements of the government have spent $3 million for research on video games; $2.6 million to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly; a whopping $500 million on a program that would, among other things, try to figure out why five-year-olds cant sit still in a kindergarten classroom; and grants such as $1.8 million on a museum of neon signs in Las Vegas, Nevada.
-- Sanity does not apply to the $2 billion given annually to U.S. farmers to not farm their land. Dont even ask about the Defense Department. It has long been famous for waste.
While all this has been going on, in 2010 the Office of Management and Budget determined that $47.9 billion was spent on fraudulent or improper payments in Medicare and the problem still hasnt been fixed, though the cost is now up to $62 billion. Theres been $2.7 billion in fraud and mismanagement of the food-stamp program. And on, and on, and on.
For reasons that defy sanity, various elements of the government have spent $3 million for research on video games; $2.6 million to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly; a whopping $500 million on a program that would, among other things, try to figure out why five-year-olds cant sit still in a kindergarten classroom; and grants such as $1.8 million on a museum of neon signs in Las Vegas, Nevada.
-- Sanity does not apply to the $2 billion given annually to U.S. farmers to not farm their land. Dont even ask about the Defense Department. It has long been famous for waste.
While all this has been going on, in 2010 the Office of Management and Budget determined that $47.9 billion was spent on fraudulent or improper payments in Medicare and the problem still hasnt been fixed, though the cost is now up to $62 billion. Theres been $2.7 billion in fraud and mismanagement of the food-stamp program. And on, and on, and on.
- See more at: http://cnsnews.com/blog/alan-caruba/obscene-government-waste#sthash.4vOQfbCA.dpuf
Whats wrong with teaching Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly? Listen, we voted for the legislatures. Us, the people. Vote. Increase your political efficacy. Our government is You and Me.
That's what I say
While I agree that government waste is something everyone should be against, the source you provided is disingenuous with their claim of a $2.6 million study to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly.
In actuality, in 2008 the National Institute of Health awarded a 5 year grant to Wayne State University. Dr. Xiaoming Li was trying to "establish and evaluate whether an alcohol and HIV intervention center can assist in reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS among sex workers in China." http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...r-tea-party-nation-claims-us-government-has-/
You can sugar coat it all you want, the fact is, our government spent $2.6 million dollars to figure out why many Chinese prostitutes who are alcoholics and drug addicts contract the HIV virus!
Any fair minded person would have to ask themselves, how many low income American families could have benefited from that money if it instead went towards their healthcare?
C'mon, this is ridiculous and undebatable.
The $3 million video game claim is bogus. http://www.ocregister.com/taxdollars/strong-477835-virtual-world.html
Here is a story about the museum that got the $1.8 million back in 2010. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/02/arts/design/the-neon-museum-in-las-vegas.html
I still agree with your point about government waste being bad but your source cns is a joke.
-- Sanity does not apply to the $2 billion given annually to U.S. farmers to not farm their land. Dont even ask about the Defense Department. It has long been famous for waste.
Eliminating government waste could pay for those who cannot afford healthcare.
Yet far left progressive whine about how unfair it is to let Americans who cannot afford health insurance go without healthcare, they think only the federal government can fix it.
If the federal government already has the money to pay for these poor people but choose to squander it on programs they feel are more important than the health of it's citizens then I ask, why should the tax payers foot the bill?
For reasons that defy sanity, various elements of the government have spent $3 million for research on video games; $2.6 million to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly; a whopping $500 million on a program that would, among other things, try to figure out why five-year-olds cant sit still in a kindergarten classroom; and grants such as $1.8 million on a museum of neon signs in Las Vegas, Nevada.
-- Sanity does not apply to the $2 billion given annually to U.S. farmers to not farm their land. Dont even ask about the Defense Department. It has long been famous for waste.
While all this has been going on, in 2010 the Office of Management and Budget determined that $47.9 billion was spent on fraudulent or improper payments in Medicare and the problem still hasnt been fixed, though the cost is now up to $62 billion. Theres been $2.7 billion in fraud and mismanagement of the food-stamp program. And on, and on, and on.
For reasons that defy sanity, various elements of the government have spent $3 million for research on video games; $2.6 million to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly; a whopping $500 million on a program that would, among other things, try to figure out why five-year-olds cant sit still in a kindergarten classroom; and grants such as $1.8 million on a museum of neon signs in Las Vegas, Nevada.
-- Sanity does not apply to the $2 billion given annually to U.S. farmers to not farm their land. Dont even ask about the Defense Department. It has long been famous for waste.
While all this has been going on, in 2010 the Office of Management and Budget determined that $47.9 billion was spent on fraudulent or improper payments in Medicare and the problem still hasnt been fixed, though the cost is now up to $62 billion. Theres been $2.7 billion in fraud and mismanagement of the food-stamp program. And on, and on, and on.
- See more at: http://cnsnews.com/blog/alan-caruba/obscene-government-waste#sthash.4vOQfbCA.dpuf
Well of course neither of you think anything is wrong with it because both of you probably believe there's just more money (tax dollars) where that came from.
I just can't fathom the irresponsible thinking you people exhibit, spoiled kids think like this, perhaps it's because neither of you have much, if any skin in the game.
What your logic is, it alright with you that the government would rather spend money on Chinese prostitutes than the health and well being of it's citizens, we can just make the givers, give more.
Unbelievably irresponsible and self serving.
Well of course neither of you think anything is wrong with it because both of you probably believe there's just more money (tax dollars) where that came from.
I just can't fathom the irresponsible thinking you people exhibit, spoiled kids think like this, perhaps it's because neither of you have much, if any skin in the game.
What your logic is, it alright with you that the government would rather spend money on Chinese prostitutes than the health and well being of it's citizens, we can just make the givers, give more.
Unbelievably irresponsible and self serving.
there are many benefits to leaving land fallow. Encouraging farmers to do so is a good thing. The fact of the matter is, with soaring crop prices many farmers are pulling their land out of these programs when their contracts are up.
there are many benefits to leaving land fallow. Encouraging farmers to do so is a good thing. The fact of the matter is, with soaring crop prices many farmers are pulling their land out of these programs when their contracts are up.
Friday Sept 10th, 2001 - Donald Rumsfeld announces the Pentagon can't account for trillions of dollars.
It just vanished apparently.