grade is singing the blues 1st journal


Well-Known Member
gettin sorted then at least!! thank god for riu eh......

mate i always end up smokin before work at least half a spliff left in my ash tray thats there lookin up at me when i wake up... makes the mornings that bit more bareable doesn't it! goin to flower this weekend then? sweet its all gonna take off! ill be watchin bro

think ive decided to top them, will do it in a week i reckon then veg em for at the very least another couple of weeks then its flower for me! i got 5 gallon pots to transpant into so i want some monsters!!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah totally althought the end result is going to be pretty poor in terms of yield after losing a couple of weeks production due to my own stoooopidididity... thang god for RIU indeed. still makin noob mistakes

i hear ya wake n bake is always good but i generally dont wake up properly till half the days gone, perfect for work lol

yeah all go this weekend for the bairns woop woop not sure whether ill start a new journal or just rock on with the original.

when you gonna take your snips? a couple of weeks after you top aye? 5 gal pots is like errr 22 n a half litre pots :shock: crikey grade how high is your ceiling!! hahahaa good work chief ill be watchin...



Well-Known Member
your a lucky man im in at 9 each morning! red eyes are easy to conceal at that hour tho, everyone has em!! hah

i got about 7 foot hight wise, 5 foot wide, 3 maybe 4 foot deep so i got the space.... i grew a orange bud plant a year or so back in 6 gal pot and the thing was massive! ill try digg up a pic for ya.

rock the same journal mayne already got the vegg stage in there eh...

yeah will just have to see how they look after i top em when they bush out il take some cuttings... only makes em bush out more :evil:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha i start at 9 too boss is pretty kool tho...

yeah sounds like you got the space to have a monster in the cupboard! for some reason the theme tune to trap door just popped into my head hahahahaha

catch ya the morrow grade



Well-Known Member
Girls are looking better i think...! I see more green...!!!

And there getting stacked. Very nice...!

Looking forward to the porn on those chubby girls...!!!



Well-Known Member
Girls are looking better i think...! I see more green...!!!

And there getting stacked. Very nice...!

Looking forward to the porn on those chubby girls...!!!

cheers dirtbag! yeah they are gettin stocky now... gonna top em tomorow so before and after update pics to come. stay tuned!!



Well-Known Member
Update day 28

they plants are coming along nicely, the close up of the leaf is one on the blueberry which is curling up slightly temp related issues perhaps??

the others two are looking nice apart from being a tiny bit droopy i picked up the pots this moninng and they were still quite heavy so im guessing overwatering at this point however i just added a heater to my grow room so i didn't have to have lights in 24/7 to keep it warm in there so it could be something to do with that still...

what you think any ideas on stopping the droop/ nutes needed?! safeties!


pic1: blueberry top
pic2: blueberry side
pic3: bluecheese top
pic4: bluecheese side
pic5: whiteberry top
pic6: whiteberry side
pic7: family
pic8: growroom hps off

pic9: offending curling blueberry leaf.....


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mornin grade fella! good weekend?! see your bairns are coming on leaps n bounds! i wouldnt worry too much about your curling leafed baby till it looks like this.... i think ill get maybe a half off the thing its soo scrawny:sad:




Well-Known Member
wasnt that leaf allways curled up weird, or was it a diffrent plant that had that ?



Well-Known Member
mornin don! yeah not too worried atm just keepin on top of it i guess!! oh dear yours really is curling init! what you gonna do??

@dwr yeah this plant has bin like that from the start not too sure what the problem is... any ideas?? have heard blueberry is a picky little plant maybe its just showing its colours! as i said not too worried at the moment but we will see how it progresses...

planning a transplant tonight into bigger pots then once they are settled they will be topped... im all over the place keep changing my mind!! udates to follow tho. Cheers all

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mornin don! yeah not too worried atm just keepin on top of it i guess!! oh dear yours really is curling init! what you gonna do??

curl up and look all sad just like the little kush lol

yours will iron itself out its only very slightly curlin'

peas breadbin



Well-Known Member
Dwr, long time no type... Stoner..>!!!

Yes the curling i would not worry about...! The blueberries i have going and have
down, all have those little curly's. I have noticed that during harv' it makes for
a quick manicure. I gots some shots of the bb' im running in bloom going up today
stop by and take a look.



Well-Known Member
Dwr, long time no type... Stoner..>!!!

Yes the curling i would not worry about...! The blueberries i have going and have
down, all have those little curly's. I have noticed that during harv' it makes for
a quick manicure. I gots some shots of the bb' im running in bloom going up today
stop by and take a look.

thanks for the peace of mind dirtbag ill take a look in your pornfolio yeah??? hahah jokes!!



Well-Known Member
so i woke up this am and my white berry is still droopy..... haven't watered in two days pot still feels a little heavy tho so don't really wanna water again..
only changes in the room i have made is take the cfl off 24/7 and put it on 18/6 like the hps (i needed it on 24/7 to maintain heat) and put a heater in the room for lights out... maybe this could be causing the droop?? the leaves feel quite dry. i think it looks hungry too! arrggh

well i was v late to work this morning so i couldn't get a pic but my g/f is gonna send one over when she gets up:sleep: ill post when i have a flick!!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
what up Grizzade!

droop could be down to overwater!? stick your finger in the soil at the edge of the pot up to the first knuckle n if the soil is wet dont water it for a couple of days check it again n see then.
id say let it dry up a bit and give it a half nute next water! i cant see changing the cfl time would make it droopy.




Well-Known Member
thats what im thinkin..... hopefully it is that the pot does still feel heavy so there is def moisture in there!! only thing was the dry feeling on the leaves, humm maybe a foliar feed will help?

goin to berlin on thursday so transplant tonight and give my flat mates a good long chat about what i want doin with them while in away (only a week but you know!!):bigjoint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha a good long chat like ive counted the buds n ill be counting when i get back! lol yeah make the bottles of feed up n then all they have to do is water! i always feel wary leaving your babies with someone else. you get that fear like when someone gives you a pet dog for a week n you worry its gonna croak.

whats cracking in berlin?


Well-Known Member
lots of sausage, beer and techno! haha just off with our lass for a little holiday, can't wait need a break from work.....

here is the pic of the poorly lookin plant

i did give it more water than the other two which are lookin fine because it looked more thirsty!!

what you reccomend? kinda wanna get it sorted before i leave... yeah i know i hate leaving them luckily the guy i live with knows kinda what he is doin so its ok!!

im thinking just sit it out and see if it perks up.. it seems to be getting worse though (maybe this pic just makes it look worse) but i swear it wasn;t so sad last night!!

looks like it could do with some nutes? would you agree??


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Yo grade yeah id leave of the nutes for a bit n wait it out from that pic the top set of leaves look fine, just let it dry out a bit n see, i know what you mean by worried though. what sort of parent goes away on holiday and leaves a sick child at home.... i should ring social services....:lol:


Well-Known Member
Anothier thought...

??? What are your room temp's...

Also if the pic's were taken right after lights on, she could have just
woke up... I do notice in my grows that at lights out the girls leafs do
drop alittle as they sleep....

Agreed with dgt' watch yur nutes, go with yur pot weight if she keeps getting
a touch worse, go with the 1/2 str. Nutes and then its a waiting a see....
