Gravity hardener turns my reservoir into brown foamy nastiness


Active Member
I had this happen during my last crop, but didnt put 2 and 2 together(4 hehe). I just added gravity to my current crop a few days ago, and after about 3 days, my reservoir was a brown, foamy, slimy, mess with a slight funny odor to it. H2o2 keeps it in check, if I add it at least every 2-3 days, but its nasty. And the same thing happpened last time around, and after I cleaned and changed the res, I didnt have a problem with it again...until now. Same thing. The gravity is the only thing that changed both times, and once it was removed, I didnt have another problem. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a better way to combat it than H2o2?


Well-Known Member
I dont know if this has happened to anyone else but I asked my hydro shop guy about it and he said one guy told him it tripled his yield and a few others said it destroyed their whole crop. Sounds like a crap shoot to me.


Active Member
how about you dont use it anymore....
I probably wont use it next cycle to see if there is any difference since I am actually keeping this strain and to avoid the hassle. It really surprised me last cycle when I opened the reservoir to see ugly brown foam everywhere and it didnt make sense since my res was always clean and only ever got mild algae here and there on occasion. And same thing this time around. Clean for weeks. Even when I went out of town and my airstone came unhooked for 2 days, I didnt have a single problem with reservoir funk. But now I know, and knowing is half the battle!


Rebel From The North
Gravity and crystal burst will do that but
Snow ultra wont.
Air in the res from air stones are
The cause


Well-Known Member
I use FloraKleen at rez changes as this in an alternativce to H2O2 and seems to work for me, I run the 3 part GH flora series with Floricious plus,Liquid Koolbloom, and Cal/mg. Black light proof rez with stone aeration as well as it cycles water back into the rez through a nozzle I made with PVC fittings that also aerates that nute solution as well as keeps the solution in motion. Larger rez sizes also help with keeping solutions stable I"m using between 10 and 15 gallons for my flowering cabinet with 4 plants


Active Member
Im running a 25 gallon tote for a reservoir. It is pretty dark, but not light proof, but it sits under my table and doesnt get much direct light anyway, but the runoff does. So far it has worked great. I need to get a cover for my table I think. Im using the complete Fox Farm line with solubles and have been happy so far in 2 cycles. I am also using Gravity, of course, used it in both cycles, but a trying a higher concentration this time though. I havent had hardly any ph or ppm stability issues with my setup. My setup only requires that I add water every few days, and a bump of nutes. Im running a disc air stone, and add H2o2 about every 3-5 days. Im using a 3x3 flood table that drips onto the lid of the tote, and then drips through holes in the lid. Check out the G13 x Haze grow in my sig for pics of the current setup. I need to update that though. Im 6 weeks into flowering now :D Since I posted this, it hasnt reoccured(it was handled in 36 hrs with the first H2o2), but its about time to add more.


Well-Known Member
I run gravity all the time and I love it... First don't use h202 with anything organic!! I promise you you are doing nothing but bad by doing this!. And I say use this stuff very sparingly only a little at week 3 and again at week 6 at about half dose. It's a very concentrated nutrient... I also use h202 at every res change, just add your gravity about 3 days later as the h202 will evaporate.


Rebel From The North
k well on the bottle gravity/snow/whatever of the three even crystel burst say if foam starts or a out break of bactiria due to
adding, use H202 to clear it up


Well-Known Member
Gravity is a plant growth regulator. (plant hormone) I don't think it shoule slime your rez.

A qoute from another site.

Chlormequat-Chloride,Paclobutrazol obviously are the key ingredients in these type product's
superbud,phosoload,cyco-flower a-b-c,gravity,bushmaster,flower dragon(I believe but don't have proof budblood, bigbud,overdrive,moab,Any big flower enhancer)

What does Chlormequat Chloride,Paclobutrazol when are they used and why?
They are used cause we want BIG YIELDS/BIG BUDS PERIOD.....
They are used to
1. To control height/stop stretch.. used week 1-4 user decided when you want height stop and flower to begin
2. To boost or explode your buds/calyx's weeks 2-4 lol basket ball donkey dick u can get big bud without pgr,but I'm talking BIG BUDS
3. Harden the buds.wk 5-7 imho works best right be4 final wk of flush

PER MANY POST /THREADS: Seems alot more people complain about the Paclobutrazol killing resin production, so I've found a site NO LONGER AROUND.. Integral hydroponic. glow author gave this 2 part recipe.
Part A. Paclobutrazol
Part B. Chlormequat Chloride

He recommends just cutting out the
Part A. Paclobutrazol
and just double the feed for part
Part B. Chlormequat Chloride

Recipe for Part B

The cycocell is store bought,but with this recipe you dilute the fuck out of it and add homemade fulvic 8% SO BASICALLY IS HOMEMADE AND WAY CHEAPER THEN
ANYTHING YOU'LL find @ a hydro store..

Here's recipe..
Part B ‘Cycocel 750a (Chlormequat Chloride) @ 582g/L’ to make 3L Concentrate

1.Add 396ml Cycocel to 2.5L demineralised water
2.Add 30ml 8% fulvic acid
3.Top up to 3L final working solution

Use at 3ml/L or 6ml/l if cutting out Part A. Paclobutrazol

you run with your feed water for 3-5 days...

Now I DON'T HAVE A CEILING/HEIGHT RESTRICTION either,so I too was like I don't need this.. BUT several sources state that you can have flowers in wk3 that most have in wk 5..

Think about how much more boost/bloom you will have if your flowers are bigger to start with...

So I plan on using just
Part B. Chlormequat Chloride twice thru flowering a 8-9wk strain

day 8-10 to stop stretch and set off pre-flowering

day 35-37 to swell the flowers

day 49-51 IF NEEDED IMHO 2 TIMES WILL BE ENOUGH TO stop strecth,burst flowers,and harden Experimenting needed..

Also cycocel cost 400 per gallon
So there's a knock off I found EXACTLY SAME SPECS/msds sheet


Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
I dont know if this has happened to anyone else but I asked my hydro shop guy about it and he said one guy told him it tripled his yield .
take everything hydro store people tell you with a grain of salt...
They are trying to push products.

One of the dudes at my local shop is a moron..