Green-O-Matic Autflower , any reviews?


Active Member
Hey Everyone.

Just wanted to see if anyone would care to review GOM for me. Not much infomation is out there on this new strain. How was the yeild? How Was the High?



Well-Known Member
well i am growing gom at mo they were a slowstart bu i arted mine outside as said very slow at start but since week 4.5 when they flower it has doubled its hight to a stagering 12 inches and its pistils have realy stated as for yeild i cant tell you yet hope to finnish in few weeks and will post results but as a grow goes yes i have enjoyed this strain as neuts are not needed i poped few pics of grow for you and one of both my plants so you can see size difference thes are both 6+ weeks and both in flower hope this is of use to you good luck with your planned grow

