Green thumb garden


Well-Known Member
image.jpg Set-up: Indoor: Seedling booth with 250W metal halide, veg room with two 400W metal halide, flower room with three 400W HPS. Outdoor: Raised beds in larger vegetable garden with fall greenhouse and light deprivation.

Seedlings: Four strains from Oregon Green Seed; blue snow dog (bs), donkey kong (dk), rocket chunk (rc), and oregon green (og).

Started using Happy Frog soil mix in 4 inch sq pots. 12 fit nicely on standard metal serving tray. I keep the soil moist with a paper towel cover until sprouted, usually 4-6 days. Grow for about 4 weeks and then transplant.

As of 3/31, I have all the seeds started. Set one is 5 bs and 4 dk. They are now at about 4 weeks and recently transplanted to 12 inch pots. Set two is 5 bs and 7 dk, recently sprouted. Set three is 11 rc, 11 og, and 2 dk. Just started under towel.


Well-Known Member
Close up of my pollen donor. Blue Snowdog male, lots and lots of pollen balls. The yellow streak is pollen already busted out.



Well-Known Member

Latest from the flower room. Finished sexing first batch and have 16 beautiful mothers to be. Will be taking clones from these beauties in next few days.


Well-Known Member
So my journaling skills leave a lot to be desired, but here are some pics of my most recent indoor crop. Forty plants grown in a SOG/SCROG combo. These are the dried tops from the first primary cut. These plants were clones of clones from the original 16 pictured above.


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