GreenGrrrl's Intro


Active Member
I'm a knowledge seeker, not a grower, so I live vicariously through your grows.

I am yet another discriminated sufferer being denied legal meds, despite chronic (no pun intended) medical conditions which affect my day to day existence.

That being said I think cannabis is an amazing plant from botanical, medical, spiritual and recreational points of view and I love to learn all I can about this amazing herb.

I tend to be a bit of a lurker on forums but I'll try to add my encouragement to grow journals! You growers are truly amazing!!

Great to meet everyone and feel free to msg me or friend me!!:mrgreen:


Active Member
Nice to meet you too Zion!
I live in the Northeast.
The legalization status definitely stinks, but I'm confident that prohibition will end in my lifetime. We are making headway. I think my state will probably have (at least) med mj legalized in less than 5 years. I try to stay optimistic. :-D

What part of the country you from? I live in a non med state as well and think it stinks. Nice to meet you.


Active Member
Thanks for the welcome! I love your avatar! I need to get something whipped up that's more personal than the preset. :-D


Active Member
Thanks pyro. Most of my pain is emotional so I'm not sure if that'd be appropriate for that thread or not. I posted about my chronic psychological suffering on this thread: So I won't get into it here.

That said I also do suffer from cluster headaches (migraine headaches every day or almost every day for months). It's been a couple of years since my last bad bout of them, but I do get random one day migraines here and there and I always have a low to high grade regular headache depending on the day.

I've gotten so used to them that I don't realize the pain unless I stop and focus. It becomes like white noise, you learn to live with it somewhat. When they blow into migraines however the meds I was given by my neurologist force me to sleep it off for 8-12 hours, cause worse nausea and leave me with a hangover-like headache the next day. I've been on several migraine meds to open the blood vessels in my brain and pain meds for this but they just don't seem to cut it.

Changing my diet (I had developed an allergy to the hormones/antibiotics in non-organic meat, so I'm now a Pescatarian) helped a lot, but like all people who suffer from cluster headaches/migraines, I have multiple triggers: stress, too little/too much sleep, nitrates, barometric pressure etc. also trigger them.

MJ helps the headaches too, and allows me to be somewhat functional while my pain is being relieved, not to mention keeping stress levels down and dealing with my psych. disorders to help prevent more migraines/cluster headaches.

While I am suffering from the cluster headaches, pain is all that exists, getting through the next moment is all you can do, the only thoughts you can gather are of the pain and wishing to end it however possible you might be able to. Moving is agony, as are light, the smallest sounds, any pressure or texture against your body, and any smell makes you so nauseated that if you could move you'd vomit. Crying from the pain makes it 200 X worse.

Sorry to go into all this here but I didn't think it was really appropriate on the other thread.
What you all suffer from there is so much worse than my measly complaints.
My thoughts and wishes are with you pyro.

Mr. Sm:)es

Active Member
Welcome GreenGrrrl
I'm sorry that how it is for you. I can only hope that you have found a slight way of dealing with it.

:spew:Med MJ is far far far away for FL I believe.

:leaf:I'm sure theirs more then one user on here who would love to teach you all you need to know to grow your own meds.:leaf:

Looking forward to getting to know you.


Active Member
Yeah pyro, that's the way I feel about it too, but I didn't want to overstep any boundaries. :)
Thanks for the friend add!!


Active Member
Thanks for the welcome Mr. Sm:)es!! My current apartment doesn't lend itself to covert growing unfortunately.:-(
I look forward to the day that I can grow my own meds and I'd love to be a caregiver for others once Med MJ reaches my state.
Until then I'm learning all I can.
When that day comes I should have quite a reservoir of information to draw from.
Watching the grows here is fascinating!!


Active Member
The Inn that I was working inn moved me to a different department!!

I was working in housekeeping but they switched all the housekeepers except the manager to "As Needed" status. Essentially we were laid off without being officially laid off.

They recently hired a girl to cover 4 days at the Front Desk since some people have moved up to Management. The girl didn't end up taking the job so I'm going to be taking it!!

Best part? My girlfriend works at the Inn as a Front Desk Employee/Reservations Manager!! Yaaaay! She is going to be the one training me, and 2 days a week while she's the reservations manager she'll be my boss.

Second best part??

I can smoke again!! ::insert happy dance here::

This was a very difficult message to type out cause I am celebrating it!!

Whoooooo!! :weed:


Active Member
Thanks! We smoked last night and it was by far one of the most amazing times I've smoked ever. Absence makes the heart grow fonder I guess. It was just so sweet to taste my beloved mj again! I topped a bowl of some nice bud with some keif I've saved up in my pollinator. Couldn't see any green through the golden keif. Good times were had by all!

I slept well, no headaches and my mood was very good even though I had a tough day today. Ahhh wondrous medicine!!