Greenhouse Tx Winter Grow.

Nice greenhouse deer hunter, I like the barrel stove. I have a lot of straightening to do myself. Badzad-- your ladies are looking sweet! How long you think you got? I'm glad that I wasn't the only one that had problems with the site : ) :peace:
As of the 4th lil sis is about 7 weeks into flowering. But its Kali mist so its gonna take 9-15 weeks, think im lookin at somewhere in feb.
Nah I got a piece of plywood framed in with a hole the size of my vent pipe cut in it it works great even in that bad winter storm we had last year when the temps stayed cold which you know when the sun is out the temps are up in the greenhouse and crazy hot in the summer I have tables on saw horses I set my plants on during the day during the summer and I leave me sides up at night I put 7 dust on the ground around my pots and the outside of my greenhouse
What time did you start your plants for them to still be carrying on into febuary? lol that's when I usually try to start my outside plants in my green house. I usually grow silver haze outside and keep her tied down to the ground I just start my plants in the greenhouse
I just took clones of the KM right before she started to flower. So i have had these lil ones going since the end of summer ish. I cant even tell when the smallest one will be ready cuz it was flowering when cloned. But it was taken a month or 2 after the other so im guessing around that time.
Hey badzad, we're in for some cold again. Does your green house hold up in the 20-40 range ok?
Where I'm at we always have temps lower than forecasted. Like this morning at my place we had 28* and the last real cold spell I got a pic of my thermometer at 10.
I don't really heat in there yet, maybe a Dutch oven full of hot coals, but I keep water jugs and rocks in there for thermal mass. Once my girls actually go in the greenhouse(only cactus and succulents right now) I'll definitely be devising a good method to heat in there. Anyway, just a headsup in case ...:peace:
Ya the cold is coming but im pretty sure im rdy for it. With 1 heater in their when it was freezing outside i would drop to high 40s or low 50s. With the 2 in there now i havnt seen it go under 65... yet. Mon and tues will be the real test.
Weekly update, lil sis still looking pretty bad from the whiteflies. Lots of nasty looking leaves and their damn honey poo on others. Moved the lil ones in there and repotted the pineapple chunk and white dom. I got them under the others with a light on them so they are in veg still. You can see lil sis has some purple on some of her buds too.

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Baby sis the smallest KM.

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White dom and PC.

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And baby blueberry for the partycup contest. She just started to show sex.

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Tell you guys what I'm working in the mountains right now when infer back tontexas I'm gonna melt it was twenty below this morning!! I can't wait for some good Ol Texas heat
Its gonna get really cold tonight but no snow or ice. Even colder tomorrow, lets see how my double heater holds out.
Cold weather update. The greenhouse has been doing amazing since i put the 2nd heater in. The night it was 17 outside it was only 68 inside the GH. Ever since that night it hasnt got under about 72ish at night and up to 80ish in the day. Whiteflies are now gone, finally.(those things are a pain in the ass) My baby girls are looking great pics will follow. Didnt get any of the kali girls today, they both needed water when i went in and were a lil droopy. Pics of them tomorrow, also just started the LST on pineapple chunk but it was after the pic i took.

First one is White Dom other 2 are PC

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And here Blueberry for the party cup contest.

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looks dead to me.
any yes thats from lack of light it lookslike your plant doesnt kno what to do. wether to flower or veg.
pretty much about the worst time of the year to grow outside, so im guesing you werent hoping for some full ripe buds.
Badzad what's up man ? I wonder if that branch was near the greenhouse wall and got a cold scorch, it would explain the leaves having lost color and being soft/squishy instead of dry/brittle like lack of water or excess heat.
Just a thought, but it looks like a few areas on my kale plants and my tomatoes did this as well (I still don't have a heater in the greenhouse)

Anyway, good show!:peace:
It was close to the wall for about a week, i rotate the plants in there every week. Thats kinda what i was thinking too cuz it turned pretty purple before turning brown. Thanks for the info both of ya.