Greenpoint Test Grows?????


Well-Known Member
As a side note I recently met vertigo. He's actually a pretty big dude. lol

Can't say I totally blame you for that one. He was acting like a dick.... but funny none the less.


Well-Known Member
I've got a pack too. NGR freebie. I will definitely run them some time.

My point is that shouldn't we expect more out of breeders? Has the bar really been set this low that we no longer care what we're buying? Just cross any hermie prone male to any clone-only dujour and stick a price tag on it?
Honestly part of me wants to say yes we should expect more and part of me wants to say "Yeah, I don't know". I don't know what the fuck to expect in reality. I'm a novice and I'm in this journey straight up solo besides the internet. My opinion is likely going to be very different than growers who come from thriving canna-cultures and communities. All I know is after reading this thread people care way too much. If folks don't like it, then I say to them "don't buy it". Simple as that. IF they had a bad experience, simply report to the community in a respectful manner and let byegones be byegones. Onto the next one.

For example: I don't like the palm oil industry, so I don't buy products with palm oil or palm oil byproducts in it. I simply won't support that shit. (Look into it if you don't know btw). If I felt that strongly towards a breeders practices/ethics, I'll do the same.

In the end all I care about is if I get myself some good herbs/medicine. IMO if I buy 2 packs of Greenpoint seeds for a hundred bucks, get 10 females, 8 of them herm but 2 are solid keepers then it's a win imo, so long as I have keepers. Didn't people used to(and possibly still to this day) pay thousands of dollars for certain cuts? So a hundred bucks and some spots in the garden is pretty damn cheap price to find myself some keepers. If not, then oh well, onto the next breeder. I can't spend my life worrying about this kind of shit. Then again, I'm not a cash cropper and I finally have a little stockpile of meds happening for backup. So while yes every spot in the garden does matter, it won't make or break me if I find a few herms, but I also understand that is not the case for everyone, and some people EVERY SINGLE spot in the garden is life or death. For folks that each plant matters gravely, I say it's their own fault if they don't do their research and dive head first into a garden full of unknowns. You'd think they would take some time to find out what EVERYONE is having success with *cough bodhi cough*. To each their own.

I must also say, the more I read about this stuff the more I feel like it's the growers fault 8 or 9/10 times. Like you said earlier you've only come across one true herm in the last decade. Yes you might be keen on solid genetics but I also bet that you have fairly good practices in the grow room. :)

The tried and true will stand the test of time and the chuckers after a quick buck will come and go.

One Love.


Well-Known Member
Honestly part of me wants to say yes we should expect more and part of me wants to say "Yeah, I don't know". I don't know what the fuck to expect in reality. I'm a novice and I'm in this journey straight up solo besides the internet. My opinion is likely going to be very different than growers who come from thriving canna-cultures and communities. All I know is after reading this thread people care way too much. If folks don't like it, then I say to them "don't buy it". Simple as that. IF they had a bad experience, simply report to the community in a respectful manner and let byegones be byegones. Onto the next one.

For example: I don't like the palm oil industry, so I don't buy products with palm oil or palm oil byproducts in it. I simply won't support that shit. (Look into it if you don't know btw). If I felt that strongly towards a breeders practices/ethics, I'll do the same.

In the end all I care about is if I get myself some good herbs/medicine. IMO if I buy 2 packs of Greenpoint seeds for a hundred bucks, get 10 females, 8 of them herm but 2 are solid keepers then it's a win imo, so long as I have keepers. Didn't people used to(and possibly still to this day) pay thousands of dollars for certain cuts? So a hundred bucks and some spots in the garden is pretty damn cheap price to find myself some keepers. If not, then oh well, onto the next breeder. I can't spend my life worrying about this kind of shit. Then again, I'm not a cash cropper and I finally have a little stockpile of meds happening for backup. So while yes every spot in the garden does matter, it won't make or break me if I find a few herms, but I also understand that is not the case for everyone, and some people EVERY SINGLE spot in the garden is life or death. For folks that each plant matters gravely, I say it's their own fault if they don't do their research and dive head first into a garden full of unknowns. You'd think they would take some time to find out what EVERYONE is having success with *cough bodhi cough*. To each their own.

I must also say, the more I read about this stuff the more I feel like it's the growers fault 8 or 9/10 times. Like you said earlier you've only come across one true herm in the last decade. Yes you might be keen on solid genetics but I also bet that you have fairly good practices in the grow room. :)

The tried and true will stand the test of time and the chuckers after a quick buck will come and go.

One Love.
Well put. I don't want to come across like I'm ripping on anyone over where they spend their dollars. That's none of my business. I just can't fathom a company selling gear that hasn't been put through the ringer. I guess that's where these types of forums come in handy. No excuse to be suprised by something like this when the info is out there.

I have 4 patients to supply meds to, so most of what I grow comes from proven mother plants. That leaves me very little room to mess around with seeds, so the seeds I do run I want to be solid. That's why I've never thrown my hat in the ring to be a tester.


Well-Known Member
Well put. I don't want to come across like I'm ripping on anyone over where they spend their dollars. That's none of my business. I just can't fathom a company selling gear that hasn't been put through the ringer. I guess that's where these types of forums come in handy. No excuse to be suprised by something like this when the info is out there.

I have 4 patients to supply meds to, so most of what I grow comes from proven mother plants. That leaves me very little room to mess around with seeds, so the seeds I do run I want to be solid. That's why I've never thrown my hat in the ring to be a tester.
No worries man, you didn't come across like that to me. I understand peoples concerns and everyone has a different situation..... Like having patients. That changes everything.

Man, I couldn't imagine the stress and pressure that puts on you.


Well-Known Member
No worries man, you didn't come across like that to me. I understand peoples concerns and everyone has a different situation..... Like having patients. That changes everything.

Man, I couldn't imagine the stress and pressure that puts on you.
Actually I really enjoy doing it. Mind blowing how this plant can help people with really serious illnesses. My one patient, who is the worst off, suffers from Dravets syndrome. Before starting with marijuana he had 10-20 seizures a day. Now, he might have 1 or 2 a month. I bet you would really dig being a caregiver too.

The only stress comes from trying to comply with the ridiculous laws from the state. What a joke. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Well when you put it that way it does sound very rewarding. :) But I would cry if I were unable to provide them with quality meds for whatever reason.


Well-Known Member
This is why us geriatric mofos are always talking about the good old days of bean buying, ah so many years ago now my old ass can hardly remember. Back before the turn of the century and up till aught two or aught three, to you young 'uns that '02-'03, the seed business was no where near as large nor as profitable as it is today, so breeders had to offer up stable linages.

A lot of linages were worked extremely well, I mean Dutch Passion, KC brains, Mr.Nice, Sensi and more all offered pretty stable lines. I noticed the fall in quality around 2005 when prop 215 in California brought about the American weed-volution. After that, business increased and profits rose. Quality was replace by quantity and first to show their lack of care for the customer by sending out sub par beans to the common folk,at least from the many accounts I've heard/read, was Sensi seeds. They went from having several nice keepers a pack to no keepers in a quick amount of time, replaced by tons of shitty phenos. DP and KC both went to shit soon after and I've never grown any Mr.nice original gear so I can't speak on his quality but I do know his old packs sell for a pretty penny on auctions.

From some sources I've read, it was Skunk man sam that helped popularize the Monsanto motto in weed seed sales, feminized and hybridized. Sure it has produced some great smoke, but it also has furthered our departure from our roots and primordial beginnings. Is it a good or bad thing? Only time will tell. Either way I'm sure if we fight about it enough everything will fix itself.

I'm stoned and done ranting, cheers.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking they just couldn't keep up with males or females and lost parents, or even more dubious is they just keep breeding without selection or sending out F2 so people would have to keep buying packs in order to find that keeper.

It would be hard to determine if people's standard went up without having weed from then to compare with weed from now. People didn't really test for thc back in the day. But the efforts have really been focused on raising levels of thc, so maybe they have. But I know the plants I grew then are the same as plant I grow today, green and resin covered and I still cough and get high as fuck. Cheers.