Greg's Legacy Part 2


Active Member
Sorry Me again, just doing some editing to this post maybe get some lookers lol i was on page 3 already anyway thx for any help.
Well I'm not sure if any of you read my first post but i've tried to read as much as possible and stay outta the way. And first I want to thank u all for the incredible weath of knowledge available on this site. And your willingness to share.bongsmilie

At first I was having trouble trying to figure out a strain, I finally squeezed a bud it has a very strong lemon zest smell. Also a musky smell. Is it lemon Ice?
Also as of today (27th) I am at 38 days 12x12 may more days do you think I need? 20-30? Rem I have no clue, all I did was "TRY" and follow some stuff I read.;-)

Any help would be appreciated . Thank you. Also I have a album from start to current for view if it will help.



Well-Known Member
very nice for your first grow =)

there's no way to tell the strain by smell or pictures, its nearly impossible. That's definately a sativa-dominant plant though.

You want to flower for at least 9-10 weeks total. Best way to know when to chop is by looking for cloudy/amber trichomes.


Well-Known Member
i may be wrong, but sativa dominant plants stretch alot during flower which is what yours is doing. The leaves also look skinny and spiky like a sativa


Active Member
ahh i see u know i thought it stretched cuzz i over nuted them they were growin 3 inches a night (no shit) lol so i just flushed and they stopped the original fan leaves were very thick and fat since the budding started the leaves (in the buds) ... have been very skinny i'm sure its a mix but it's killin me to figure out what it is. My friend who started the plants died and I was chosen to take over ...sorta, his mom freaked told me to get it outta his house. So thats where I'm at but thanks for the compliment those are always cool have 6 total plants and only 1 is kinda lagging behind.