Grow Box size


Active Member
I've picked up an old kitchen unit I'm planning to covert to a grow box. Its 1.5m tall, 600mm wide and 750mm deep. It has a divider that is fixed so I have one space 500mm tall and one 1metre tall. Would this size be ok for both a veg and flower section? Would drill holes for airflow thru floor and middle shelf and have a 4" fan. Would this move enough air? Also looking at going cfl's as they are cheap. How many should I have in each?

Any tips appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Yes that will work, you will have to make a light trap between the two spaces.
Look at screw in led bulbs instead of CFL. You need 5000k or 6500k for veg and 3000k for flower
Light sealing can be a challenge, but a viable project.