Grow Closet and Fan/Hood size. +Rep


Active Member
I have a closet thats 133cf. The hood i am going to use is a 6" air cooled super sun2. Sense it is a small area and i only plant to veg in this closet can I use a 4 " inline fan and a carbon filter. Just use reducers on the hood. The fan is 170cfm. That way I have head room to move the light up and down. Like i said I will be flowering in a DR120 so I think i wont have to worrie about to much VEG smell. but will be using a 4 inline fan for heat for a 400w. I plan to use a 600w in the secret jardin with 6" fan. What you guys think? Will it be ok to go (4inch carbon filter)==(4inch ducting)====(6inch hood)====(4inch inline fan)??? Thanks for all your input. Heat is a issue so that is why I am cooling the hood.


Active Member
If heat is an issue then remove the carbon filters. You dont need them shits. Use ozone or ona gel. I think that's what its called. Carbon filters work better when you have stonger fans.


Well-Known Member
i dont think you need all that crap for your closet grow...check out my "ghetto" grow and see what im using , just a 400w MH/HPS for flower and veg and some mylar and 3 sometimes 4 fans..also depends on how many plnats u are gonna grow...


Active Member
Problem is I am growing in a place where it gets 110 degrees outside. So i do need to cool off the cap and get rid of smell. It is a growdobe. Not a real closet.