Grow equipment disposal

I've read many different opinions about the safest method for trashing grow equipment, but I'd like to ask for opinions relating to my particular situation.

I need to throw out a ballast, a large cool tube light, and a couple of old PC grow boxes that I made at the start. (P.S. don't wast your time with PC grows lol).

My plan was to put all this crap into big heavy duty contractor clean up bags and close them up with lock ties. Then throw them in the dumsters at the city dump of a neighboring city. Is this a good idea? Is there a better method?

Thanks fellas


Well-Known Member
Give them away burn them but why are you trashing it and is it illegal to own the equipment it's self where you live need more to the story to be able to give you a good idea what to do with them

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Give them away burn them but why are you trashing it and is it illegal to own the equipment it's self where you live need more to the story to be able to give you a good idea what to do with them

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
I upgraded my grow light to a more powerful light. The old stuff is just sitting in my room. Don't have anyone to give it to. I just want to get it out of here. In the rare event I was busted, I feel having a bunch of grow equipment would just be more evidence against me.


Well-Known Member
Seems like a waist but if thats what your sure you want to do then ya bag em up send them away no need to zip tie and drive to another city that just puts up a huge read flag of I'm doing something illegal and that would cause them to look further finger print fibers ect but honestly I think your just paranoid your not growing 500^ plants so your little fish anyway so its not worth the time or money and it is not anuff to get a warrant as they are sold for vegetables in the same way a water pipe is sold for tobacco just not quite as obvious

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Well-Known Member
I would use them and just grow my grow area...but hey thats not for everyone.. I would use the pc cases to sprout, the old grow light to veg and my new to flower....or use Craigslist as vostok said or if ya really have to pitch them then do as 420monster said, just bag it and trash it no need to get all paranoid for trashing it. Happy Growing.. :bigjoint: