Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

Alas no journal for im struggling to get pics sorted. and also my wife is due to give birth on sunday so im unlikely to have a lot of spare time!! Just hope i can keep my girls alive......
See if I can't help ya with the picture thing man !... What I do is Click My Rollitup Then about 4 or 5 links down on the left side you'll see Pictures & Albums.. Click that.. then click create new album then click upload picture.. then browse.. hit save.. and voila.. you have pics upload !!.. Then if you click the pic in your album it'll give you a link for the pic.. u can just add that to you post... or click the lil icon that says Add Image...hope that helps.. Its only 6:30am here my lights aren't on for another hour so update in a few hrs ppl !!

Take care,
Thanks Wolf, they're actually taking off quite nicely now. I'm quite happy. I'm going to be starting 2 new experiments shortly... I'll fill everyone in when I've 100% decided I'm going to try these things out..

Doc: This is my first Hindu Kush... The seed company that "creates" my seeds is Called Ontario's Best... I can only assume they had their own HK seeds from possibly Nirvana or wherever and they selectively bred it for pure indica traits...Or atleast that the story I was fed, and I'm happy with it. lol

Its not the posting of pics thats the's how do i get them from my phone onto the computer?? lame i know.....but there you go!
yay update soon! lol... yeah, if i was you i'd try LST on one of them to see how it affects the plant. I've only had good things come from it in my outdoor grow!
8/27 Morning Update

Ok well I have to work this out a bit faster than normal, seeing as I was 3/4 done typing this entire thing up and went to click a tab to get one of my pics and oops hit a link instead I hit back and quick as possible but all my writing which was quite a bit.. GONE

So heres what I can remember and quick as I'm going to end up late for work now, lol
Earlier on I was talking about doing some experiments I was thinking over, well I've decided as of last night to go ahead with one of them. I'm sure some of you that read this have heard of the "Banana Religion" and some haven't I'm not even 100% sure I understand myself however i'll give you a very veyr brief explanation (basically a banana gives off a gas as it rots, this gas contains a hormone, that hormone is THEORIZED to help our lovely plant go Female. Some of the results have been amazing) If your interested do a search here on the board you'll find tonnes of info. Anyway I've propped up 1 banana in between both my plants. Hell I'll try anything to increase my chances of getting a female with only 2 plants growing !!
Heres a pic so you can see whast I'm talking about.. Looks crazy but re-read my last sentence.

Anyway another thing I went ahead with yesterday is something I should have done from day 1. If your a new grower read these few sentences a few times so you HEAR/READ my words. I SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS EARLIER. Start either a journal or calander from DAY 1. And yes having a grow journal online is great and all but you don't want to have to do what I did yesterday and sort through 20 some odd pages to find out information about your owns plants... trust me...

So some basic info about my babies before I get to pics

HK - planted Aug.5 ; Sprouted Aug. 8 ; Transplanted to BM1 soil Aug.19; "she" is 19 days old from sprout. (2.5 weeks old)

TH - Planted Aug. 11 ; Sprouted Aug. 14 ; "she" is 13 days from sprout (1 week behind HK)

Ok picture time as Tdot has to go to work... Usual Top/Side/Sharpie Shots, Enjoy...



Sharpie - Length

Top - Forgot to take this one, sorry just look at Sharpie Length...

Sharpie - Length

Shaprpie - Height

Well, thats all for this morning guys, I gotta get my butt in gear, I'll post another update tonight if there are any questions or comments.

Have a Great day,
I know what I forgot to rewrite in my post..

Mountain:Regarding pics off your phone.. Thats a bit much to explain in this forum.. Shoot me a PM and I'll see if I can help you out. I used to work in the cellular industry for 10 years...

CGM: LST, I'm going to avoid that one, I'm aiming for a mother plant or at the very least a plant to grab a few clones from before flowering. I want to keep this strain around for a while. Now TH, thats more my experiment plant as I'm not as keen on her. Still excited but not as much as i am for the HK...

I think thats what I missed.. If more pops in my head (something about marijuana causing short term memory loss.. I dunno I don't remember) I'll put it up here..

Have a good day guys,
As far as LST you can do it on a mother. In fact you WANT to do it on a mother. LST is just another name for bonsai.
Kludge: Thanks for the info man, I've done quite a bit of reading on LST and The "bonsai" methods.. as I was originally looking into it.. I think however what I plan to do is as follows...When I "prune" the mother plant the prunings will then be used to make my clones. So each time I keep my mother(s) short I'll get my next batch of clones. Makes sense in theory, we'll see how it works in practice in due time.

MarijuanaMomma: Thanks for stopping by :) :) Very much Appreciated !!! Those lips are messing with my stoned eyes, lol..

As much as I don't usually "support" linking to another MJ forum, here is the thread about the

"Banana Religion"

Even if you read just the first post it'll all come together.. well.. in theory that is...
my grow will go to show (sort of) if it possibly works or not.. I'm right about the time when your supposed to be doing this.. 3rd and 4th week of Veg is when plants supposedly are leaning towards male or female.. We'll pots aren't big enough for a full banana beside the plant so the way I put it was IMO the next best thing.. either there or beside the Intake Fan.. we'll see..

Another idea I had this ones for Wolf and BigD (but other feel free to comment).. If I can't get my hands on those masks, would you guys thing some panty hose over the intake fans would help just as well ? I mean there is no way cat furs getting through those, and they'll partially block the light as well.. I'm going to give it a shot today while I wait and see what ppl have to say about the idea.

lol, nice man.. did ya read the linked post ? Sounds interesting.. I'm already watching your thread so it'll be interesting to see if it ends up working for either or both of us..

By the way if he can't delete the post.. Those are his pretty plants in the pic :)

Alrighty, so I decided to go ahead and put the layer of Black pantyhose over each of my intake fans to act as Hair Blockers and partial light blockers. If you want a "before" picture just check out my link to my grow box construct in my signature...Here is a normal mode pic which shows the entire fan, kinda hard to see how small the holes for "filtering" actually are.. and then a sideways macro that shows the holes better.


And Macro,

And again this is on BOTH my intake fans.. I'm planning to make most likely 2 of Wolfman's Carbon Filters for my 2 exhaust fans and that should more or less take care of any/all light leaks well before 12/12 another thing I can check off my list... Up next is a very exciting one ppl.. Tomorrow is payday assuming my friggin migraine is gone and I can get out of bed. And aside from the million bill collectors calling me daily, I'm setting aside some money for 2 things... 1) SuperThrive.. 2) Veg Nutes... Which I'm not sure, however I'm going to hit up a Hydro shop on my lunch break tomorrow and talk to the guys there.. I'm still undecided on an Organic solution or Chemical one.. Maybe you guys can chime in here ? I'd love to hear some of you opinions ppl.. Let them be heard !!

That is a good idea..! You should get the nutes i use. Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom. They work great and they are organic based too!
Man just go to THC on yonge st and pick up your nutes. They're very helpful and knowledgeable. Thats what I did. I picked up a bag of organic flowering nutes for $13 for my grow. It's probably gonna be more than enough for the rest of my flowering too. It's called "The Shitz" lol... cause it's basically a bunch of guano and worm castings. So check that out, i'm sure they'll have some vegging nutes for around the same price. Go organic man, much healthier :)
Thanks D and Doc... I figured it'd work just as well and I had it here so why not atleast try it.. I think it'll let more air through than the masks as I don't think my fans are THAT powerful, lol...

As for the FF nutes Doc.. Unless the store has them for cheap.. I'm probably not going to go that route.. I don't wanna be spending 50 bucks on nutes for just Veg.. maybe 50 for veg and flower.. the Superthrve is 12 bucks for 2oz bottle.. and then I'm aiming to spend maybe 20 - 25 for my Veg Formula.. I'm going to be straight up with the guy in terms of what I want.. not nessecarily for what plant.. I'm going to assume we'll be on the same "wavelength" there.. otherwise i'll say tomatos, lol.. I'm not too worried..

How does one store Rockwool ?? I'm considering get a little bit for when I attempt clones, however thats not for some time.. so should I save my cash and get them when I'm ready ? or just grab them while I"m there ??
